Establishment of education "Ekibastuz technical and engineering institute named afterf the academician K.I. Satpayev" (further EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev) is subject of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and acts under the Charter registered in regional justice department, is issued certificates on the state re-registration of the legal entity No. 798-1945-16-U-e by Department of Justice, the B№0456499 series.
Ekibastuz Engineering Technical Institute named after academician K. Satpaev was accredited in 2016 by Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) (certificate series of MES RK from July 27, 2012 № 001-BBM) for the level of education - bachelor.
Certificate of institutional accreditation of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev for the registration number IA№0074. The validity of IA№ 0074 is from 07.06.2016 to 06.04.2021, date of the certificate issue is 06.07.2016
Certificate of specialized accreditation of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev for educational programs:
5B070700 Mining;
5B071300 Transport, transport equipment and technologies;
5B071700 Thermal power engineering;
5B071800 Power engineering,
SA for registration number №0089.
The validity of the certificate SA.№ 0089 is from 07.06.2016 to 06.04.2021, date of the certificate issue is 06.07.2016
EETInamed after the academician K. Satpayev is the only higher educational institution in Ekibastuz fuel and energy region of the country with the population about 150 thousand people. Here training of highly qualified specialists for the enterprises of Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex (further - EFEC) and the Republic of Kazakhstan, performance of scientific researches and preparation on their basis of shots of the top skills are purposefully provided.
On the basis of the general secondary education graduates of schools have an opportunity to get the highest professional education. Term of training is 4 years.
On the basis of the higher education institute graduates get the second higher education: the term of training is 2 years.
Graduates of colleges have an opportunity to get higher education according to the accelerated program of training. The term of training is 3 years.
For years of the existence walls of institute left more than 6 thousand experts who successfully work in Presidential Administration, akimats, heads of the large enterprises, became the famous scientists, politicians, as in our country, and abroad.
Educational programms
Specialties |
Training trajectories |
5В070200 Automation and management
Automation of technological processes Automation and management on railway transport Automation and information in control systems |
5В070300 Information systems
Information systems in engineering activity Information systems in economy |
5В070700 Mining
Open-cast mining of mineral deposits Surveying business Underground mining of CM |
5В070900 Metallurgy
Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals Mineral processing |
5В071300 Transport, transport equipment and technologies
Locomotives Cars Cars and automobile economy |
5В071700 Power system
Thermal power plants Industrial power system |
5В071800 Power industry
Power plants Power supply of the industrial enterprises Electric drive and automation of technological complexes |
5В072400 Technological machines and the equipment (on branches)
Mining machines and equipment Metallurgical cars and equipment |
5В072900 Construction
Technology of industrial and civil engineering Calculation and design of buildings and constructions Profile: Construction of the railroads |
5В090100 Organization of transportations, movements and operation of transport
The organization of transportations on the railway transport The organization of transportations on the motor transport Organization of transportations |
5В050600 Economy
Economy in the social sphere and branches |
5В050700 Management
Management of the organizations
5В011100 Informatics
Informatics Informatics and mathematics |
5В012000 Vocational education
Technology of work and business |