named after academician K. SATPAYEV
Ekibastuz 2016
at the meeting of the Academic council of
K. Satpayev EETI
Protocol No. 14 of May 25, 2014.
This edition is a handbook and guide of student’s life for those who study at Ekibastuz engineering-technical institute named after academician K. Satpayev. The guide handbook will inform you on the institute structure, location, the regulations of organization of credit education technology, the academic mobility of students. We hope that the "guide handbook of K. Satpayev EETI student» will become your reliable assistant in the course of adaptation at our iCONTENTS
Introduction 1
1 Reference information 5
1.1 Structural subdivision of K. Satpayev EETI 5
2 Educational subdivision of K. Satpayev EETI 6
3 History of the institute establishment 7
4 The Code of honor of the institute students and teachers 9
5 Use of computer resources 11
5.1 Library 13
5.2 Instructions for using the library 13
5.3 Instructions for using the reading room 14
6 The learning features of in K. Satpayev EETI 15
6.1 About credit and modular learning technology 15
6.2 Office registrar 16
6.3 Registration for elective disciplines 16
6.4 Your tutors, curator and adviser 16
6.5 Independent work of students 18
6.6 How control and an assessment of knowledge are exercised? 19
6.7 The criteria for evaluation your knowledge 20
6.8 Why is the summer semester necessary and how to avoid it? 21
6.9 How to avoid repeated training 22
6.10 About state exams and an honors degree 23
6.11 Why can you be deducted from the institute 23
6.12 In what cases it is possible to lose the state grant 23
6.13 In what cases it is possible to arrange the academic leave 23
6.14 In what cases the grant is assigned 24
6.15 The procedure of transfer and return to tuition 24
7 Provision of internal grants, benefits and social support of the students in K. Satpayev EETI 27
7.1 The procedure of providing internal grants, benefits and social support 27
7.2 The list of internal grants and benefits 28
7.3 The basic conditions of providing internal grants of the institute, benefits and social support 28
7.4 The rights and obligations of the institute 28
7.5 The duties of the owners of the institute internal grants 29
7.6 The criteria defining the preferential right to receive internal grants of the institute, benefits and social support. 30
7.7 The documents confirming the social status of the applicant 30
7.8 Making additions and changes into the Provision 30
8 The rights and duties of EETI students 31
9 How to behave. Parting words 32
Dear student of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev!
The guide handbook is a type of the information source intended for students and containing the systematized short data on regulations of the institute, organizational and procedural norms of educational process. Here you will find information on the rights and duties, K. Satpayev EETI student’s rules of conduct not only in the institute when studying, but also outside and in everyday life. The information on the youth and sports organizations of the institute is provided to you in the guide handbook; you can also find the answers to the questions which arise in the course of training in higher education institution including concerning social support.
The handbook provides the information on the credit technology of training and assessment of knowledge in K. Satpayev EETI in accordance with the state educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Rules of credit technology of training and international educational standards. You will find out under what conditions it is possible to take part in competitions for international educational grants, get an internship or to study at foreign universities K. Satpayev EETI cooperates with.
The first year students receive the initial information about the institute and its faculty on September 1 on the "Day of Knowledge". In the future you will be helped by the K. Satpayev EETI guide handbook. The samples of applications (for admission and pre-term delivery of interim assessment, to extend the period of payment for training, etc.) are available in the Dean's Office of your faculty. All emerging problems you have to solve with the group monitor, curator, group advisor.
If they can not help you, refer to your supervising faculty dean with your application. The Dean will help you solve the problems within his powers. The last instance of the Institute you can apply is Rector of K. Satpayev EETI. Reception on personal matters to the Rector - Wednesday, Friday; from 15.00 to 17.00 hours, or can be accessed on his blog.
1.1 Structural subdivision of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev
Position |
Name |
Telephone |
Location |
President of EETI |
Mardenova Dina Nurtazinovna |
102 |
№ 121 build.. А |
Vice-president |
Candidate of tech.science Mardenova Laura Maratovna. |
116 |
№ 116 corp. А |
Rector, chairman of the Academic Council |
Doctor of tech.science, professor Unaibayev Bulat Zharylgapovich |
76-12-86 104 |
№ 5 build. С |
Vice rector for educational and methodical work |
Cand.Tech.Sci., professor Tursunov Meyram Zhumabekovich |
105 |
№ 20 build. А |
Vice rector for scientific work and international relations |
Cand.Tech.Sci., professor Kambarov Zharylkasyn |
128 |
№ 4 build. С |
Vice rector for educational work |
Muksinov Maksat Bekovich |
110 |
№ 118 build. А |
Vice rector for administrative part |
Dzhekibayeva Gulbanu Temirbulatovna |
135 |
№ 26 build. А |
Dean of engineering economics faculty |
Cand.Tech.Sci., professor Tursunov Nurbek Zhumabekovich |
126 |
№ 23 build. А |
Head of the center of career guidance and recruitment |
Mazhit Aliya Amanzholovna |
131 |
№ 109 build. А |
Methodologist of faculty |
Asylova Karlygash Baymukhanovna |
76-13-00 126 |
№ 23а build. А |
Methodologist of faculty |
Nurmaganbetova Bakyt Nazarbekovna |
127 |
№ 23 build. А |
Office Registrar |
Mukanova Madina Kudaybergenovna |
108 |
№ 23 build. А |
Office - registrar |
Nabiyeva Maral Emekovna |
108,127 |
№ 23 build. А |
Chief of a teaching department |
Kadyrbekova Kapura Kadyrbekovna |
119 |
№ 106 build. А |
Dispatcher of a teaching department |
Urimbetova Saltanat Nazarovna |
125 |
№107 build. А |
Inspector of a teaching department |
Ermukhanova Rysaldy Kabdybekovna |
125 |
№ 107 build. А |
Personnel manager |
Shaymardanova Gulbarshyn Kabdullayevna |
118 |
№ 104,105 build. А |
Manager of library |
Mukhamedzhanova Lyazzat Sultangaliyevna |
134 |
№ 10 build. С |
Chief accountant |
Radchuk Tatyana Nikolavna |
117 |
№ 117 build. А |
Cashier |
Kulikova Ruta Ivanovna |
116 |
№ 116 build. А |
Medical sister |
Makhanko Lyudmila Petrovna |
115 |
№ 121 build. А |
Chief of Computer center |
Cand.Ch.Sci., professor Pak Vitaly Gennadevich |
106 |
№ 25 build. А |
head clerk |
Shoranova Aliya Nazirovna |
101 |
№ 5 build. С |
Translator of state language |
Lekerova Meruert Mukhtarovna |
134 |
№ 9 build. С |
2 Educational SUBdivision of EETI
Division |
name |
Tel.number |
Location |
Department of social and humanitarian disciplines and PE |
Doctor of philos. science, professor Kebina Natalya Anatolyevna |
№ 138 |
№ 41 corp. А |
№ 121 |
Department of Economics and Management named after Galimov Z.A. |
Cand.Econ. science, professor Rakhisheva Aida Bekarysovna |
№ 137 |
№ 49а build. А |
Department of RMPI |
Cand.Tech.Sci., associate professor Kaynazarov Armand Sericovitch |
№ 112 |
№ 201 build. Б |
Department of transport |
Cand.Tech.Sci., professor Nuspekov Erbolat Lyazzatovich |
№ 113 |
№211 build. Б |
Department of construction |
Cand.Tech.Sci., associate professor Unaybayev Bulat Bulatovich |
№139 |
№ 133 build. Б |
Department of power engineering and metallurgy |
Cand.Tech.Sci., associate professor Icheva Yulianna Borisovna |
№ 114 |
№ 212 build. Б |
Department of automation and information systems |
Cand.Chem.Sci., professor Pak Vitaly Gennadevich |
№ 106 |
№ 25 build. А |
K. Satpayev Ekibastuz engineering-technical institute named (further EETI) is created in 1994 at the initiative of the city administration and heads of the industrial enterprises of Ekibastuz in view of a severe need in engineering personnel of the enterprises of Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex of the country with the population of the region of 150 thousand people.
Since 1996 EETI is a member of Association of establishments of education, since 1999 the member of Association of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 1997-98 the institute, according to the TEMPUS TACIS program has proved technology of dual form of education on the example of the German professional academies, 1500 copies of educational literature are acquired in Europe.
In June, 1998 according to the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan EETI LLP was reorganized into the institution of education "Ekibastuz engineering- technical institute named after academician K. Satpayev" the certificate about State Registration No. 5172-1945 U-e of July 14, 1998, the founder of the institute became Mardenov Marat Pazylovich having 100% a share of Authorized capital.
The institute has successfully passed the state certification in 2000, 2005, 2013, planned state control in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and in 2013 EAEA (external assessment of educational achievements).
Ar present 83 regular teachers, including 4 doctors of science, 37 candidates of sciences, 11 masters of sciences work at institute. 1145 students of full time, extramural and evening forms of education are trained in 14 specialties.
The institute has 5 educational buildings of 11622 square meters, 48 specialized classrooms, 28 educational and 3 scientific laboratories equipped with the modern equipment, devices, technical training aids, 255 computers. The assembly hall (150 seats) and a conference room (150 seats), are equipped with means interactive technology of training (an interactive board, a projector, television, etc.). Gyms with the total area of 757, 0 square meters, a canteen for 150 seats, a cafe for 50 seats, a medical aid station.
From 2004-2005 academic years at institute the credit technology of training was introduced at all specialties and forms of education providing development of students’ independence and individualization of their training is constantly improved. Since 2010 for the working youth a dual form of education was introduced in the reduced form on the basis of secondary and higher technical education. Training is conducted in the state and Russian languages.
At institute the automated control system PLATON functions that allow providing transparency of intermediate final assessment of students and the process of diploma issue.
207 computers are connected in a uniform information network and 137 in the internet. The educational portal of the institute also works. In 2008 according to the rating of Independent Kazakhstan Agency on ensuring quality in formation of EETI has taken the 11th place among technical colleges of the country.
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev takes the 15th place in the rating of technical colleges of Kazakhstan on the academic indicators of training of specialists (The national rating of Kazakhstan of www.nac.kz).
In 2010 EETI named after academician K. Satpayev is handed the international award of "EUROPEAN QUALITY" (The European quality) in Oxford, Great Britain. The same year president of the institute professor Mardenov M.P. has been awarded by an honorary international reward "Intelligence of the nations", Moscow, the CIS.
Four teachers of K. Satpayev EETI in various years have been marked out by the state grant "The best teacher of higher education institution"
The results of ranging of educational programs among all higher education institutions of RK in a section of specialty of the Bachelor degree in 2014 MAUN RK'S testings held by the national center:
5B012000 the Vocational education – the 11th place (218,51 points) among18 higher education institutions;
5B070200 Automation and control – the 8th place (200,78 points) among 15 higher education institutions;
5B070700 Mining – the 3rd place (542,88 points) among 5 higher education institutions;
5B07130 Transport, transport equipment and technology – the 4th place (303,55 points) among 12 higher education institutions;
5B071700 Power system – the 6th place (291,39 points) among 7 higher education institutions;
5B07180 Power industry – the 6th place (258,47) among16 higher education institutions;
5B072900 Construction – the 9th place (167,02 points) among14 higher education institutions.
The general rating of higher education institutions of RK NAAR-2014 on educational programs of the Bachelor degree demonstrates that EETI named after academician K. Satpayev has entered the TOP-30.
Legal address:
Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar region, 141208 Ekibastuz
54 "a" Energetikov St.
Contact phones: 8(7187) 76-12-86, 76-12-66.
Fax : 76-12-86, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , eitiedu.kz.
The community of students and teachers of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, realizing the responsibility for realization of the main goal of system of higher education - it is preparation of professionally and culturally focused personality having the world outlook potential, abilities of creative thinking owning steady competences in the specialty and, considering the duty: strengthening and development of the principles of corporate management; adopts the present Code of honor of the student and teacher of higher educational institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and undertakes to follow it strictly.
The student Code of honor
The student seeks to become a worthy citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the professional in the chosen specialty, to develop his best qualities of a creative person.
The student is respectful to seniors, doesn't allow roughness in relation to people around and shows sympathy for socially unprotected people and in process of opportunities cares for them.
The student is an example of decency, culture and moral, is intolerant of manifestations of immorality and doesn't allow manifestation of discrimination on a sexual, national or religious sign.
The student leads a healthy lifestyle and completely refuses addictions.
The student respects traditions of higher education institution, protects its property, keeps the order in the student's House.
The student recognizes necessary and useful any activity aimed at the development of creative activity (scientific and educational, sports, art, etc.), on increase of corporate culture and image of the higher education institution.
Outside the institute the student always remembers that he is a representative of the higher school and will make all efforts not to drop his honor and dignity.
The student considers as his duty to fight against all types of academic dishonesty. Among which: writing off and addresses to other persons for the help when passing the control of knowledge; submitting any on the volume of ready training materials (reports, course work, control, degree and other papers), including Internet resources, as results of own work; use of related or office communications for receiving more appreciation; a truancy, delay and the admission of studies without good reason.
The student considers all listed types of the academic dishonesty as incompatible with receiving quality and competitive education, worthy future economic, political and administrative elite of Kazakhstan.
The Code of honor of the teacher
The main direction of the teacher’s activity is the work with students, care of their education and culture, education of true patriots of the homeland.
The teacher has to be the professional who is constantly working on increasing the theoretical knowledge and pedagogical skill, actively conducts research and scientific activity on the basis of honest search of knowledge, properly providing substantiality, impartiality of judgments and conscientiousness at the message of results.
The teacher is an example of decency and intelligence, morals and morality, the active propagandist of statehood of Kazakhstan, the opponent of any manifestations of corruption, an indiscipline and irresponsibility.
The teacher by his personal example proves to students the compliance with the rules of work and study, respect for colleagues, is exacting to himself, to the words and acts, openly recognizes the mistakes and honestly corrects them.
The teacher has to be honest and impartial in a professional assessment of the colleagues and students, he is organized, his words coincide with business, openly expresses the position on fundamental issues of activity and is reasoned proves the point of view.
The code of honor of the teacher of the Kazakhstan higher educational institution is the system of moral standards, obligations and requirements of conscientious behavior based on the conventional moral principles and norms of the Kazakhstan society and state.
We take the responsibility for realization of the declared basic principles and following to the Code of honor of the student and teacher. We will make efforts in order that our higher education institutions became samples of moral and intellectual force and have made elite of formation of Kazakhstan.
All students of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev can become the users of the institute computer system.
Students have access to computer resources of the institute, including Internet access, e-mail of K. Satpayev EETI to the equipment installed in computer classes and library during the training period at the institute if they have a user name and the e-mail address.
Laboratories are open from 9:00 till 18:00, besides free access to computers can be provided outside school hours (Saturday).
Registration of first-year students is carried out within the first month of a new academic year. To activate a user login and e-mail, newcomers have to get acquainted with the general computer policy of usaging resources and strictly follow it. The Users also have to get acquainted and follow the Rules of using computer laboratories.
Registration of those students who have entered the institute later is made in the computer center of the institute after the issue of the student ID card.
The user name is provided by two main signs:
The user name (login) consists of a surname, the lower gap and a user name, the first letters of a name and a surname – capital letters. For example, you are called Alexander Ivanov, so your (login) of the user will look as follows: Ivanov_aleksandr. The user name can't be changed.
The password consists of a user name in small Russian letters on the English keyboard layout, the lower gap and combinations of the numbers consisting of number of the record book which is known to the user. For example, you are called Daniar, so your (password) of the user will look as follows: daniyar_156212. Upon the demand of system Users have to replace passwords to secure the information.
The e-mail address of the user can't be changed.
The Rules of Using Computer Laboratories
After turning on the computer each user has to make an entrance to the EETI network (see procedure of use Internet).
When saving the files it is necessary to create the folder with the name and to write down documents in it.
It is forbidden to delete someone else's documents and the installed programs strictly.
To install the programs on the computer without the permission of IT expert and it is forbidden to play computer games.
During the work with a flash card it is obligatory to check it for existence of viruses. At emergence of any questions the user must address the IT expert.
After completion of work it is necessary to make end of a session (see procedure of use Internet).
In computer laboratories it is required to keep quiet.
It is forbidden to enter into computer laboratories in outerwear and with food.
Procedure of using the Internet
To access the EETI network. For this purpose to enter the user name and the password into this window. If the system demands to change the password, to enter the new password, confirmation and to press Apprx. the Password has to contain at least 6 symbols.
If requests to enter the password on Windows to nullify (to keep both fields empty).
Answer the question "Create the Account?" "No".
To start the browser. If it is required, enter the user name and the password once again.
After completion of work it is necessary to close all windows and to execute procedure of a log off: Run-up.Log out. OK.
To start browser. Login the e-mail.
After completion of work it is necessary to close all windows and to execute procedure of a log off: Run-up.Log out. OK.
The procedure of using the Intenet
The procedure of using e-mail
The procedure of using the home folder
Windows 2000, Windows XP the home folder is displayed by a letter Z: in the Conductor.
if the exit of the network will not be made properly your e-mai and account can be used by any user.
Any violation of a computer policy of using the EETI resources will cause the disciplinary sanctions accepted by the institute including cancellation of access to the EETI computer resources. Any illegal action using computer resources will be brought to the attention of administration.
To any decision made regarding the violation of the institute computer policy the appeal will be submitted.
The EETI library is one of the best high school libraries of the region on structure of fund. She includes scientific, educational, reference books, normative documents, information materials, the periodical press, video movies, textbooks on CD on all branches of knowledge. The general fund of library about 265,5 thousand among them in Kazakh of 41,5 thousand copies. The fund of electronic editions exceeds over 200 nominations. The annual receipt of periodicals is more than 150 names.
The Work on creation of full text electronic library is continued. Formation of electronic library is generally conducted at the expense of publications and works of the scientists and teachers of higher education institution transferred in electronic form due to scanning of the educational literature which is in the increased demand but inaccessible for additional acquisition.
5.2 Instructions for using the library
Libraries and reading rooms are located in the case A and the administrative case of institute. The library will organize delivery to readers in temporary use of the books, newspapers, magazines and other materials which are available in library. Delivery of literature on the house is made by department of service and the library. Reading rooms provide literature for use of it generally without the right of carrying out. Signing up of readers in library is made on presentation of the document certifying the reader's belonging to EETI.
To the reader the monthly library card is issued and the reader's form is filled in. At signing up in library readers have to study her rules and confirm the obligation about their performance by the signature in the reader's form. The library card is the only document granting the right to use library, all her subscriptions and reading rooms. Annually the library carries out a re-registration of the readers with presentation of all literature which is registered for them to time determined by library. The readers who haven't passed a re-registration aren't served by library.
When leaving from institute readers return the editions and library cards which are registered for them in library. When obtaining books, other works of the press and other materials readers carefully check editions and in case of detection of any defects report about it to the duty librarian. Responsibility for damage of books is born by the reader using the edition the last. The readers violating instructions for use or causing to library damage bear administrative, civil (material) responsibility in the forms provided by the current legislation, the charter and instructions for use library.
5.3 Instructions for using the reading rooms
Ordering literature in a reading room, readers show the library card, fill a leaf of the reader's requirement, when obtaining necessary editions, undersign on the book form of each edition.
The number of the books, other works of the press and other materials given in reading rooms isn't limited. With the single increased demand the number of the books (editions) issued per customer on one profile (direction) can be limited.
The literature transferred to a reading room from the main book-depository can be reserved by the reader for a certain term.
It isn't allowed to enter reading rooms with the personal and earlier received according to the subscription library books, magazines, newspapers, cuttings from printing editions and other printing materials (in the presence of those at an entrance it is necessary to hand over the literature which is available for itself on temporary storage to the worker of a reading room).
It is forbidden to take out literature from reading rooms. Penalties are applied to violators of this rule, and also they lose a right of use of library for the term determined by administration of library.
The library works:
Daily - from 8:00 till 17:00
Saturday - from 8:00 till 13:00
6.1 About credit education technology
One of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev purposes of is training by means of the advanced educational techniques and technologies, arms of students knowledge and abilities, providing their high professional status and level of competitiveness in the international labor market. The modern system of the higher education is focused on timely and adequate training of people for the future, i.e. not just on increase of level of education, and on formation of new type of intelligence, a modern image and way of the thinking adapted for quickly changing economic, technological, social and information realities of world around. Achievement of this purpose is also promoted by introduction of credit technology of training for this reason the management of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev has quickly reacted to her introduction at institute.
The credit technology of training is the educational system directed to increase of level of self-education and creative development of knowledge on the basis of individualization, selectivity of an educational trajectory and the accounting of volume of knowledge in type of loan.
Transition to credit technology of training of the Kazakhstan institutes has been caused:
• need of entry into world educational space;
• attraction trained to participation in formation of an educational trajectory;
• academic mobility of trained;
• orientation of training of specialists to the specific consumer;
• introduction in educational process of information technologies.
At credit technology of training teaching at institute is constructed on the basis of the principles of democratization of education, and it:
• combination of wide selectivity of courses;
• formation of an individual educational trajectory of the student;
• development in students of critical thinking;
• wide use of interactive methods of training.
In EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev the Center of the academic mobility which gives the real chance to our students and teachers for a certain academic period to provide training, training, to exchange experience, to gain new knowledge, scientific researches in other higher education institutions functions (within the country or abroad).
Our institute gives the chance to students to get an education in the countries of the FSU and beyond. For this purpose there is the European system of a transfer (translation) and accumulation of the credits (ECTS) - it is a way of assignment of test units (credits) to components of educational programs (disciplines, courses, modules) by means of which comparison and reoffset mastered trained subject matters (with the credits and estimates) is carried out when changing an educational trajectory, educational institution and the country of training.
6.2 Office-Registrar
The Office of the Registrar (OR) – the support service of the student which is engaged in registration of all history of educational achievements of the student since registration for disciplines for choice and finishing with processing and storage of examination and rating sheets of different types of control. He provides the organization of all types of control of knowledge of the student and calculation of his academic rating.
The SHOUTING is the main objectives:
- management of process of registration for elective disciplines;
- organization of control of knowledge of students;
- calculation of the academic rating which is trained;
- formation and storage of records about progress of students;
- preparation of reports on progress of students
- drawing up list of poor students
- registration of students for a summer semester and its organization
6.3 Registration for elective disciplines
As you already know, the credit technology assumes studying by you as the obligatory disciplines provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and disciplines at your choice (as a rule, several during each semester).
The choice of these or those disciplines by you happens by official registration which is coordinated the SHOUTING.
Definition of disciplines is for choice carried out under the direction of an adviser (with English "mentor"). Adviser by method of the presentation offers you alternatives to each discipline from the catalog of elective disciplines, advises in definition of sequence of studying of disciplines.
Date and time of registration are defined by the academic calendar.
Having chosen disciplines, you fill registration forms with the indication of the pleasant elective disciplines on the basis of which the SHOUTING forms your individual curriculum (IC). IUP is created in triplicate, of which you retain one, others, having checked their correctness and having signed, you return in department of registration and department.
The individual curriculum is formed for every year of training.
On the basis of IUP, OR forms the academic groups and streams.
6.4 Your tutors – a curator and adviser
The curator carries out teaching and educational work, creates closer contacts between administration of institute, public organizations, educational personnel of institute and students of group. Activity of the curator is directed to education at students of feeling of a civil liability and patriotism, to their all-round cultural development, to creation in group of the atmosphere of friendship and mutual aid, a conscientious attitude to study, involvement of students to scientific and public work. For carrying out teaching and educational work the curator uses meetings, conversations, meetings with graduates of institute, conducts tours, etc. actions.
The curator carries out the following functions:
- organizes and personally participates in meetings of student's group, the main public actions;
- watches progress and discipline of students, in due time organizes the necessary help;
- keeps in contact with the teachers conducting occupations in group;
- participates in selection and appointment of the head of group.
For the choice and realization of an individual educational trajectory of training, and also for ensuring mobility and flexibility of curricula in the conditions of credit system of training in higher educational institutions the consulting service, or, so-called, service of the academic consultants- advisers will be organized.
Adviser is the teacher rendering assistance in the choice of an individual trajectory of training and development of an educational program during the entire period of training. Besides, the adviser can give consulting help in the solution of questions of future career, definition of a subject of final work, definition of base of professional practice. Adviser has to represent the academic interests trained to assist him in drawing up and updating of the individual curriculum.
Problems of an adviser:
• assistance trained in definition of an individual trajectory of training and development of an educational program;
• identification of requirements, interests and bents of the training in the corresponding specialty which is trained at the choice of a trajectory;
• rendering consultation trained at the choice of disciplines;
• assistance trained in drawing up individual curricula, in case of need – their adjustments;
• participation in work of the commissions of experts considering questions of progress and the academic status of students.
Adviser acquaints the institute which is trained with features of the academic life, contents of the working curriculum, requirements to obtaining the diploma, opportunities of the chosen specialty and is the assistant in the choice of an individual trajectory of training according to tendencies, opportunities, interests and the purposes trained.
6.5 Independent work of students
At credit technology of training independent work of srudents is subdivided into IWST and IWS.
The Independent Work of Students (IWS) – independent studying of a certain list of subjects and performance of tasks to them according to the educational and methodical literature recommended by the teacher, methodical developments and programs.
IWST is an out-of-class type of work trained which is carried out by him in contact with the teacher. IWST is carried out according to the separate schedule which isn't included into the general schedule of studies, and (IWS) - out-of-class time without participation of the teacher demanding from the student of daily independent work.
Methodical recommendations about IWS and IWST are developed by the faculty of department and include the following documents:
the schedules of IWS which were intended for the entire period of studying of discipline;
system of tasks;
subject of papers, reports and creative works;
subject course and theses;
lists of the main and additional literature;
types of the advisory help;
types and forms of control;
evaluation criteria, the recommended work volume, approximate terms of her granting and others.
IWST is carried out on each discipline during all academic period according to the schedule with the indication of date, time, audience and tutors.
Occupations within IWST can have the advisory and interactive forms which ratio is defined by complexity of the studied course, the volume of the classroom hours allotted on his studying, level of readiness of students.
Therefore if you have a low current rating, you wish to get additional advice, you experience difficulties when performing of the received tasks on discipline, the teacher gives classes in a traditional form. If you have no such problems, you have a good or excellent academic rating, the teacher at discretion can exempt you from occupation in a traditional form and provide occupation in an advisory form, involve you in the individual or group project through delivery of tasks and kontroly behind their performance.
Along with it independent work includes process of your preparation for studies and examinations and without teacher.
The SRO assumes independent development of a training material in the conditions of library, a computer class, a language laboratory, a media library, educational television, special laboratories.
Control of IWS can wear the written and oral uniforms directed to achievement of the end result. At a written form of control, results of IWS can be made out in the form of abstracts, papers, reports, creative, control, written, course, theses, scientific articles; audio-video report, etc. At an oral form of control results of IWS can be made out in the form of a colloquium, conference, business game, the report, the composition, the message, individual interview, etc.
6.6 How control and an assessment of knowledge are exercised?
The complex of control and assessment of knowledge of students assumes carrying out the current, rubezhny, total control and final assessment.
Quality of knowledge is estimated on mark and rating system which represents continuous control of knowledge at all stages of training: current, rubezhny, house. When studying discipline different types of the current control of knowledge of students can be provided: oral poll, written poll, the combined poll, protection and the presentation of homeworks, discussion, trainings, round tables, a case-stadi, tests.
Each type of control gives to the student points which define his rating of the admission to delivery of total control. Upon termination of a training course total control in the form of examination is carried out. The points got by students at the different levels of control can be estimated depending on extent of assimilation of a training material within a rating scale from "And" to "F". By results of progress the average translated point of GPA which increases training of the student every year that serves the purpose of improvement of quality of knowledge of special disciplines pays for a training course.
At the current control of progress educational achievements of students are estimated on the 100th mark scale for each performed task (the answer on the current occupations, delivery of homework, independent work of the student (further – IWS), rubezhny control) and final result of the current control of progress is brought by calculation of the arithmetic-mean sum of all estimates received during the academic period.
Similar approach is applied at an assessment of the educational achievements which are trained during intermediate and final assessment.
When carrying out intermediate certification for a subject matter the assessment received at examination and a GPA of an assessment of the current control of progress during the academic period are considered.
The assessment of the current control of progress (admission rating) makes 60% of a total assessment of knowledge of discipline, and the assessment of examination makes 40% of a total assessment of knowledge of discipline.
The total assessment on discipline includes a rating of the admission and total control:
IO = RD*0,6 + E*0,4;
where: IO – a total assessment,
RD – an admission rating assessment,
Э – assessment of total control (examination in discipline).
6.7 Criteria for evaluation of your knowledge:
"And", "And -" ("perfectly") - if you have deeply and strongly acquired all program material, more exhaustively, consistently, competently and logically harmonously you state it, you aren't at a loss with the answer at modification of a task, freely you cope with objectives, you show knowledge of monographic material, correctly you prove the made decisions, you own versatile skills and methods of performance of practical works, you find ability to independently generalize and state material, without making mistakes;
"In +", "In", "In -" ("well") - if you know program material well, competently and in essence you state it, you don't allow essential inaccuracies in the answer to a question, you can correctly apply theoretical provisions and you own necessary skills when performing practical tasks;
"With +", "With", "With -", "D+", "D" ("well") - if you have acquired only the main material, but you don't know separate details, you allow inaccuracies, insufficiently correct formulations, you break sequence in a statement of program material and you experience difficulties in performance of practical tasks;
"F" ("unsatisfactory") - if you don't know considerable part of program material, you make essential mistakes, with big difficulty you perform practical works.
Multimark alphabetic system of an assessment of knowledge
Assessment alphabetic |
Digital system |
Per cent |
Equivalent |
A |
4,0 |
95-100 |
Excellent |
A- |
3,67 |
90-94 |
B+ |
3,33 |
85-89 |
Well |
B |
3,0 |
80-84 |
B- |
2,67 |
75-79 |
C+ |
2,33 |
70-74 |
Satisfactory |
C |
2,0 |
65-69 |
C- |
1,67 |
60-64 |
D+ |
1,33 |
55-59 |
D |
1,0 |
50-54 |
F |
0 |
0-49 |
Unsatisfactory |
If you weren't on examination in the objective reasons, at existence and submission to dean's office within 3 days of the relevant documents, you have the right for individual passing an examination with the permission of the dean of faculty.
Attention! In case at examination you have received an assessment of "F", "F" becomes a total assessment automatically, even if you have a high average rating. In this case you appear among debtors and you remain on a paid summer semester.
The repeating an examination of an examination assessment, both positive (for the purpose of increase), and unsatisfactory, isn't allowed.
For repeated studying of desirable discipline (including for the purpose of increase of a positive assessment) it is necessary to register in a paid summer (additional) semester, to listen to lectures, to repeatedly gather a rating of the admission and to pass examination. At the same time the student who was repeatedly studying discipline loses the right of receiving an honors degree.
You have the right to appeal results of examination.
As a result of the appeal the assessment can be as it is raised, so left without change.
Statements on the appeal by results of total control of knowledge of students are adopted by department of registration within one day after the announcement of results of examination.
What is GPA and how to calculate it?
At credit technology of training as an indicator of progress of the student GPA is used.
The progress GPA (Grade Point Average - GPA) - the average assessment of the level of educational achievements which is trained in one academic year according to the chosen program (the relation of the sum of works of the credits for a digital equivalent of points of an assessment of intermediate certification for disciplines to total of the credits for the current period of training) is also determined by a formula:
GPA =, where: Иц 1, Its 2, … And the CPU – total estimates on disciplines in a digital equivalent;
K1, K2, Kn – volumes of the studied disciplines in the credits;
n-amount of the studied disciplines for all passable training period.
Attention! It is insufficiently simple to hand over session on positive estimates! It is necessary to gain the established translated point of GPA.
Annually the level of translated point can be reconsidered by the solution of the Academic council.
6.8 For what the summer semester is necessary and how to avoid it?
By results of winter and summer intermediate certifications in the time students are transferred to the following course. The students who have gained the established GPA size and not having the academic debt treat them.
The academic debt is understood as debt of the student on total control of knowledge of a subject matter which was formed as a result of an unsatisfactory assessment on examination or absences on examination.
For the students having the academic debt the summer paid semester will be organized.
Repeated studying of a course provides payment in the established size approved by the Academic Council of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev.
The organization of a summer semester is carried out in the following order:
- students prior to summer intermediate certification submit the application for intention to participate in a summer semester to dean's office;
- proceeding from the cost of one credit, students pay the forthcoming training in a summer semester;
- dean's offices, in established periods give an idea on the basis of which the schedule of a summer semester is formed;
If you haven't issued an application for a summer semester, or have issued, but haven't paid training in a summer semester, you remain for the repeated term of training.
By results of examinations in a summer semester of GPA of the student it is recalculated. The student who has gained translated point is transferred to the following course; GPA which has handed over all debts, but not gathered – remains on repeated (paid!) year also masters anew all disciplines.
To avoid a summer semester, you need not to allow existence of the academic debts following the results of intermediate certification and to seek to get high points in the majority of objects to gain the necessary GPA level.
6.9 How not to remain for repeated year of training?
Repeated year of training is provided for poor students – those who haven't gained translated point of GPA.
Payment for repeated year is carried out in full in the sum determined for full year of training - for new academic year.
Not to remain for repeated year of training, you need to pass examinations in all disciplines in the main semester in time, or to eliminate debts on them during a summer semester, and also to gain GPA point, necessary for your course.
Concerning functioning of credit technology, registration for elective disciplines, control of knowledge, calculation of GPA, training in a summer semester and on repeated year address to the dean's office and/or to department office of the Registrar.
6.10 About state exams and an honors degree
Final assessment is carried out to the terms provided by curricula of specialty. Duration is established by term not less than 4 weeks. You have the right to study rules of writing of final work and to consult as necessary at an adviser in the chosen direction of research.
To the graduate who has passed all examinations for the entire period of training with estimates "And", "And -", "In +", "In", "In -" and gathered as a result a progress GPA GPA not lower than 3,5, and also protected final work and/or passed the state examinations with an assessment "And" or "And -", the honors degree, on condition of lack of repeated examination is given.
6.11 Why can you be deducted from the institute?
In case of unwillingness to continue the training you have the right to be deducted at own will, on medical indications or in connection with transfer to other higher education institution.
For violation of the duties provided by the Charter of the institute, Regulations, violation of a subject matter, breach of the contract about payment the administration of the institute has the right to deduct you from the institute.
Concerning the problems of deduction and return to studies address to dean's office and/ or department of student registration.
6.12 In what cases it is possible to lose the state grant?
The students who are trained on the state educational grant, left on a repeated course lose the grant for the further period of training.
6.13 In what cases it is possible to issue the academic leave?
The student can issue the academic leave, i.e. interrupt temporary the training for health reasons, including on pregnancy and childbirth.
The academic leave is granted only on the basis of the conclusion of the medical and advisory commission (MAC) lasting from 6 till 12 months.
The student submits an application for registration of the academic leave prior to intermediate certification.
By providing the academic leave to the students who are trained on the basis of the state educational order, the right for further training in the state educational order remains. Financing of his training is interrupted for the granted academic leave which renews after his termination.
After returning from the academic leave students have to provide the conclusion of the medical and advisory commission (MAC) that the student can start studies. On an exit from the academic leave it is necessary to liquidate the difference in working curricula (if in it there is a need) of the established periods.
6.14 In what cases is the grant appointed?
The students who are trained on the basis of the state educational grant have the right to a grant. To such students following the results of session the grant on condition of delivery of all examinations and the differentiated offsets with estimates "And", "And -", "In +", "In", "In -" is charged. In case of delivery of session on "And" and "And -" they have the right to the raised grant.
At the institute also the grant of the Academic Council and nominal grants are founded for which the students with high progress who are actively participating in public life of the institute can apply.
Concerning receiving grants address to the dean's office.
6.15 The procedure of transfer and return to tuition
A transfer of a student is made from course to course, from one organization of education to another, from one form of education to another, from one language to another, from one specialty to another one.
The applications of the students of internal and evening forms of education for transfer and return to study are considered by the rector in the period of summer and winter vacation within five working days prior to the beginning of the next academic period.
During the transfer and returning of the student the academic difference in disciplines of the working curricula for the previous academic periods is defined.
During the transfer and return of the education which is trained from the foreign organization the document on the mastered training programs (the academic reference, a transcript), and also the document on the end of the previous education level which has to undergo in accordance with the established procedure of nostrification in the Republic of Kazakhstan is submitted.
Offset is equated to alphabetic system of an assessment of educational achievements of students in the range from minimum in D (1,0; 50-54%) to maximum A (4,0; 95-100%).
The transfer of a student from a course to course is made according to the results of summer examinations (intermediate certification) taking into account the results of the summer semester and the gained transferable points.
The procedure of transfer from one higher educational institution to another one is carried out as follows:
- The student submits the application for the translation addressed to the rector of institute where he is trained, and, having received the written consent, under seal, addresses the rector of higher education institution to which it wishes to be transferred; are enclosed to the application the copy of the transcript signed by the vice rector for study and office registrar, and under seal; certificate of UNT or complex testing; certificates of the owner of an educational grant (if is that);
- the dean of the faculty (the director of institute) defines a course and a difference in curricula and approves the individual curriculum of trained;
- on the basis of the visa of the dean of faculty the department of registration and movement of students establishes the term of delivery of the specified difference;
- according to visas of the dean of faculty (the director of institute), the head of UMO, the vice rector for educational and methodical work the rector issues the order on the transfer of the student;
- the inquiry on a personal record trained in a higher educational institution in which earlier he was trained is sent to three-day time;
- the head of higher education institution, where earlier he was trained, after receiving such inquiry issues the order on assignment with the formulation "is deducted in connection with the transfer to (the name of higher education institution)" and within three working days from the date of the publication of the order on assignment sends a personal record of the accepting higher education institution.
- The procedure of returning to the studies is carried out as follows:
- The student submits the application for returning to the studies addressed to the rector of the institute at which he wishes to continue the training. The academic reference is enclosed to the application;
- the dean of the faculty (the director of institute) on the basis of the submitted Reference defines the course, the difference in curricula and approves the individual curriculum of the student;
- on the basis of the visa of the faculty dean the term of delivery of the specified difference is established;
- according to visas of the dean of faculty (the director of institute), the head of Educational and methodical department, the vice rector for educational and methodical work, the rector issues the order on restoration.
- Return in number trained and elimination of the difference of disciplines in curricula is carried out only on the paid basis.
- The transfer of the student from one form of education for another and from one specialty for another one in one higher educational institution is carried out according to the following procedure:
- The student submits the application for the transfer addressed to the rector of the institute, encloses to the application the copy of a transcript certified by the dean of the faculty (the director of institute); the dean of faculty (the director of institute) on the basis of the presented transcript defines a course and a difference in curricula;
- on the basis of the visa of the dean of the faculty (the director of the institute) the department of registration of students establishes the term of delivery of the specified difference; when translating from full-time courses on the correspondence form the term of delivery of the specified difference can be established more than one academic period, or trained the right to hand over the specified difference with trained full-time can be granted;
- according to visas of the dean of the faculty (the director of institute), the head of department of registration of students, the head of Educational and methodical department, the vice rector for educational and methodical work the rector of a higher educational institution issues the order on the transfer of the student from one form of education for another one or from one specialty to another one.
- The term of delivery of the difference in curricula at restoration and transfer has duration, as a rule, one academic period during which trained has to register in disciplines of a difference, pay training, master their programs and pass total control.
- In case trained at restoration or transfer haven't handed over a difference in curricula in due time, then this difference is fixed as the academic debt and considered by zero when determining his GPA and translating from a course on a course.
- The translation of the trained first course is allowed on end of the first semester on related specialty.
- Concerning transfer and restoration address to dean's office and department of registration of students.
7 Provision of internal grants, benefits and social support of the students in K. Satpayev EETI
7.1 The procedure of providing internal grants, benefits and social support
For the purpose of consideration of the applications from trained, the order of the rector of institute annually (till September 1) creates the permanent commission on distribution of internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help.
To structure of the commission the order of the rector makes changes with obligatory introduction of employees of financial sector.
The chairman of the commission heads a meeting, plans work and exercises control over the implementation of decisions of the commission. In the absence of the chairman of his function the deputy executes.
According to the agenda of a meeting of the commission the secretary prepares necessary documents and materials of applicants for granting internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help, makes out the minutes.
The secretary of the commission in 5 days prior to a meeting provides all necessary materials to members of the commission.
Meetings of the commission are held as necessary, but not less than two times a year.
The decision of the commission is made by open voting: the decision is deemed accepted at a majority of votes of members of the commission; at equal number of votes the voice of the chairman of the commission is priority.
The conclusion of the commission is made out by the protocol and without fail is signed by all members of the commission.
The decision of the commission is submitted for consideration of the Academic council and on the basis of the solution of the Academic council the order of the rector on distribution of internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help trained is issued.
Depending on financial opportunities of institute the quantity of internal grants of university, privileges and rendering the social help for 1 academic year are defined in coordination with the rector and are approved at a meeting of the Academic council annually in August.
The quantity of internal grants of institute approved on the Academic council, privileges and rendering the social help is provided to the commission till September 10 of the current year.
Statements of the internal grants which are trained in the directions of a bachelor degree for receiving, discounts in payment for training
Internal grants of institute, privilege and rendering the social help are provided for one academic year (during the period from September 1 to August 31) or on one academic semester.
7.2 The list of internal grants and benefits
Release from payment for training is provided on the last a bachelor degree course under a condition if trained has absolute progress for all previous period of training And, And-: for the 4-year period of training - 3 courses, for the 5-year period of training - 4 courses:
The nominal grants founded by the board of trustees, akimats and other organizations.
Coupons on free food.
7.3 Main conditions of granting internal grants of the institute, privileges and rendering the social support.
On the bachelor degree:
The owners of a breastplate "Three-copecks piece of Belgі".
The winners of the international sports competitions, creative competitions.
The winners of scientific competitions, republican Olympic Games, author's scientific works.
Graduates of boarding schools and orphanages.
Students, without parental support, taken under guardianship.
The students who have gained more than 90 points following the results of ENT (apart from the 5th subject).
Students are disabled people.
Students from large families.
Students from needy families.
The students making success in science, education, different areas of art.
Students are children of staff of institute, the having length of service at institute 5 and more years.
Students are children of veterans and participants of military operations in Afghanistan.
Students from ecologically adverse regions.
Students – oralmans.
Students are the children from one family who are trained at the same time on the paid basis.
Students with high progress, the activists participating in public life of the institute.
7.4 Rights and obligations of the institute
In compliance with the Charter of institute and the present Provision, the institute reserves the right to demand from owners of internal grants of institute and privileges to carry out the duties at the high level.
At transfer to other educational institution, expel from institute for various reasons of owners of internal grants of institute and privileges the institute reserves the right according to an index of inflation to withdraw expenses, not executed the training program of postgraduate education.
7.5 The duties of the owners of the institute internal grants
Performance up to standard development of the training program, and also strict performance of domestic situations of institute.
Active participation in actions of institute and rendering the social help is checked by the dean of faculty and are considered at a meeting of Council of faculties.
Applicants for receiving internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help are invited to a meeting of Council of faculty; the persons petitioning for granting internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help; other interested persons.
The dean of faculty makes the list of all applicants for receiving internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help. The list of applicants, an extract from the minutes of Council of faculty and a package of documents confirming the social status of applicants is provided on consideration of the Commission till September 10.
The owners of the state educational grant who are trained in EETI named after academician K. Satpayev have no right to submit the application and documents for receiving internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help.
The right to apply for receiving internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help have only trained in EETI named after academician K. Satpayev on a paid basis.
Distribution of internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help is made by the commission on the basis of the criteria developed by the commission and approved by the rector (SMK MI 12.02-2014).
The commission, having considered applications and documents for receiving internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help, passes the decision and presents him to the rector of institute till September 15 of the current year.
On the basis of the solution of the Academic council the order of the rector on granting internal grants of institute, privileges and rendering the social help is issued.
Internal grants of institute, privilege to trained are made out by the additional agreement to the main contract.
Internal grants of institute provide development of a theoretical course according to the program of the higher and postgraduate education. The grants, expenses connected with training, business trip, the participation in various competitions, etc. which is trained aren't paid.
7.6 The criteria defining the preferential right to receive internal grants of the institute, benefits and social support
The criteria defining the privilege to receiving an internal grant of institute, privileges and rendering the social help are developed by the commission and approved as the order of the rector.
Trained loses an internal grant of institute, privileges and rendering the social help at violation of the internal schedule of institute, in case of repeated training at a course because of low GPA, the academic debt.
7.7 The documents confirming the social status of the applicant
Applicants for internal grants of institute, privilege and rendering the social help hand over the following documents with the statement according to the terms specified in item 7.1 of the present Provision:
1. Graduates of orphanages (the confirming reference).
2. Children, without parental support, and also children patronages (certificate on death of parents or certificate of deprivation of the parental rights).
3. Students are children disabled people (the certificate of disability).
4. Students are children of veterans and participants of the Afghan war (the certificate of the veteran of war).
5. Students - oralman (supporting document).
6. The students having high achievements in the field of science, educations, art and sport (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, etc.).
7. The commission has the right to request the additional documents confirming the status of the applicant.
7.8 Making additions and changes into the Provision
Additions and changes in this Situation is accepted by the solution of the Academic council.
Changes and additions made by the Academic council are an integral part of this Situation.
8 The rights and duties of EETI students
Students have the right:
1. To participate through public organizations in the solution of the major questions of activity of institute and student's life;
2. Free of charge to use rooms and to oborudovaniye of libraries, the educational, scientific and other divisions determined by the Charter of institute;
3. To study any courses taught at institute, and in coordination between administrations and in other higher education institutions, including passing interesting their practician;
4. To demand entering into annexes to diplomas and into the academic references of volumes and estimates of the additional disciplines which are successfully studied by them, and that who has mastered the full program of the skilled worker or expert, to appropriate in accordance with the established procedure the corresponding qualification;
5. To take active part in research work and in other kinds of activity caused by the relevant provisions and the Charter of institute;
6. To act as organizers and to participate in work of the scientific and technical, creative centers, others the organization, scientific and technical problems participating in the decision, publishing;
7. Ahead of schedule to take examinations and offsets at implementation of all requirements provided the training program of each discipline;
8. For progress in study and active participation in research work for students of institute various forms of moral and material encouragement according to the current situations are established;
9. According to the recommendation of the departments profiling them, well in time students can be transferred by dean's office to individual schedules of training with the right of free visit of occupations.
Students are obliged:
1. On all courses to visit all types of the studies given according to the existing working curricula;
2. To seize deeply theoretical knowledge, practical skills and modern methods of researches on the chosen specialty, the social humanities;
3. To carry out all types of the tasks provided by the corresponding plans and programs of training in established periods;
4. To seek constantly for increase of the general culture, moral and physical improvement;
5. To follow regulations in educational cases and hostels, in public places, admissions of occupations without valid excuse, damage of furniture and other property. Evasion from performance of the duties to students. Measures of disciplinary influence can be in accordance with the established procedure applied, up to an exception of institute.
At an entrance to the educational case:
1. Make toilet, remove a headdress.
2. If perhaps put outerwear in a plastic bag.
3. Without reminder show the admission, the student ID card. Be not late for occupations!
4. In the case don't go in a headdress.
5. Make thrifty use of property of institute, walls and stands leave alone.
6. Unless to the person the student of higher education institution to paint walls and ceilings of toilets?
7. Any stranger would think: "So at institute only people mentally retarded or sick, in any way not students can paint school desks".
8. Ask yourself a question: "What sense to turn off bolts of school desks and to scatter them on audience?"
9. Dear students, the institute annually recolours its school desks. Respect work of cleaners and other workers. What you would derive pleasure if someone has ornamented your ready drawing with a felt-tip pen? Don't smoke and don't litter!
10. Obey the duty of teachers and students. Remember that they protect your wellbeing.
11. Persons on duty possess inviolability therefore any who doesn't submit to them, will be strictly punished.
12. Don't leave your belongings unattended.
13. If he is your true friend, then stop him from bad acts.
14. Don't drink and don't come in alcoholic intoxication at the institute. You can be deducted.
15. Don't use a foul language!
16. Respect seniors and women! It is one of the few differences from an animal.
17. Respect parents! How you treat your parents and your children will treat you the same way.
18. Second weakness can lead to the tragedy and turn your life on 180. Don't lose self-control. 96% of crimes are made because when one of the parties don't control the behavior.
19. In small quarrel don't respond to roughness with roughness. What difference between you and a dog if you begin to bite like a dog in reply?
20. Never clash on trifles, life is given not for a showdown on each small conflict.
21. The worst, than the bad habit doesn't happen. You are still young, try to give up bad habits.
22. Drugs are evil. It has to be clear to you without any words.
23. Remember, daily 100 grams is a direct way to alcoholism.
24. Remember words of academician Pavlov "... if each smoker could look at the lungs, then he would die of shock". Smoking now is not in fashion. Smoking in public places is forbidden!
25. On the street respect the elementary rules of safety not to feel sorry for all life.
26. Participate in public work on cleaning the territory of the institute, city streets, etc. It is your obligation according to the Charter of the institute. Students of Harvard university who pay for tuition 100 000 American dollars a year also take part in public works.
27. Education, but not the diploma has to be your first purpose. In the conditions of market economy the owners of diploma without knowledge are potential loaders on the market. Pay attention, in a running line it became frequent to appear announcements on following character "Formed work".
Dear student! The knowledge received in EETI named fater academician K. Satpayev will help you with your future work and career. However, and you highly maintain image of the Alma-mater! Don't waste time and persistently seize knowledge. To become the high quality expert, it will be required to participate to you much and actively in scientific and public life of institute. It will be difficult, but very interesting way!