Ekibastuz engineering and technical institute named after academician K. Satpayev is a forge of professionals for the enterprises of Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex.
Ekibastuz engineering and technical institute named after academician K. I. Satpayev is the only higher education institution in the Ekibastuz Fuel and Energy Region (EFER) of Kazakhstan with the population more than 250 thousand people. In Ekibastuz work the enterprises, which are largest in the Republic, – giants of power, coal-mining and railway branch. Here 60% of all electric power made in Kazakhstan is generated. Coal mining makes 70 million tons per year. Daily 50 echelons with coal leave from Ekibastuz to Russia. The car turnover makes more than 23 thousand cars a month.
According to the Message of the President of Kazakhstan, the institute is focused on the development of the engineering education system and modern technical specialties for the enterprises of the Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex (EFEC), increase of adequacy of results of educational activity, approach of level of training of specialists to requirements of intensively developing region economy. The main contingent of students is the future power engineering specialists, miners, transport workers, builders, metallurgists, etc.
The Mission, objetives and tasks of the institute are carried out in the educational and scientific context of development of EFER and the country taking into account that the backbone priority part in modernization of economy and social sphere in formation of civil society is assigned to educational sector.
The institute builds its activity on democratic principles, leadership of the administration, and adoption of administrative decisions on the basis of the analysis of reliable data on activity and an involvement of all employees into management process.
The management structure of the institute has a clearly expressed hierarchy which is balanced by transfer of many powers to the lower levels of management to provide participation of all divisions in realization of the mission and strategy of the institute. The structure of higher education institution has a classical content and covers both educational and auxiliary subdivisions.
The contents of training programs conform to the state obligatory standards of education and provide preparation trained according to standard requirements. The list and the maintenance of educational programs for objects of an obligatory component are public, and elective courses reflect innovations and requirements of the employer. Educational programs accustom within credit technology of training.
The faculty of EETI (scientific degree of 55% at criterion of 45%) owns all complex of knowledge meeting the modern requirements and a teaching technique that allows organizing educational process at the high scientific and methodical level. Active forms of nonlearning work (subject decades, round tables, scientific and practical conferences, excursions to the enterprises, the museums of the city and area, a meeting with interesting people) are used. For the purpose of providing a practical orientation of training to carrying out occupations, skilled specialists of the enterprises of EFEC are involved in development of separate training courses, the management of theses.
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev the first among higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan has introduced the reduced dual form for students with basic the highest and a secondary special education according to which educational process is conducted together with the enterprises, i.e. the student gains theoretical knowledge at institute, fixing them in the course of work. We are firmly convinced that training of the expert in technical business is possible only in the conditions of the operating modern production.
Dual educational process is focused on satisfaction of needs of the student, his parents and the employer who is interested in obtaining high qualification of future expert and presence at him of the necessary competences approved under production conditions. This form of education helps to get a worthy education, to guarantee further employment, successful career development, helps with adaptation, self-realization of younger generation, especially for those who migrate from rural areas to the city. Training in a dual form gives to youth not only knowledge, but also ability to apply them in real working conditions.
The institute actively develops public-private partnership with the enterprises of ETEK in the field of the highest vocational training, namely:
- contracts with the EFEC leading enterprises on joint educational activity are signed, branches of departments at the enterprises where students pass a practical training, educational and fact-finding, production are created, technological and externship, gain practical skills and abilities, conduct research work under the leadership of skilled experts;
- employers participate in work SAC; To GEK, a t.a estimate quality and degree of readiness of graduates of institute;
- for development laboratory and material and technical resources of institute employers together with the founder constantly allocate financial and appliances;
- specialists of the enterprises are regularly attracted for training of students in the appropriate educational programs;
- in the course of training the student in addition gets working professions on a training profile that is important at the subsequent employment.
Optimization of the contingent trained and strengthening of image of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev in general has positively affected programs for allocation of internal grants and grants of the enterprises on training of students (more than 500 students are trained at the expense of the enterprise). It testifies system of planning of educational activities for its various directions and to effective influence on the financial results of activity of institute allowing to build administrative policy of higher education institution for increase in the amount of financing of preferential training at the expense of own sources and financial means of the employer.
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev creates to students the conditions necessary for effective development of the chosen educational program according to needs of the region, providing with appropriate resources (library, consulting, information, etc.). At the same time quality of development of educational programs trained by the established criteria is controlled, provides continuous monitoring and improvement of the provided educational services. The special attention is paid to formation of future experts, as in professional, and personal plans.
At institute the harmonous administrative structure functionally responsible for educational work is created; the funding mechanism and stimulations of extracurricular activities of students works; the system of formation of the patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities which are trained is created; conditions for personal development and education of students; actively bodies of student's self-government work.
So, for instilling in students of patriotic spirit, norms of morals and morality, an interethnic concord and tolerance, physical and spiritual improvement, annually with participation of PPS and students in institute more than 100 cultural events and charity events are also around the city held. Leisure of youth is interesting and various: SCG; KVN; student's evenings, serious sports preparation, etc.
Students and teachers of EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev constant prize-winners of sports competitions of various level. We are proud of our students and graduates of athletes among whom there are participants of the Olympic Games (London, Beijing), world champions, Europe, Asia, the Republic of Kazakhstan - T. Azarova, Dm. Gottfried, Dm. Popov, Z.Serdaliyeva, A. Makhambetov, A. Kireev, And Bekturov, A. Schneider, R. Evlayev. Professor of institute Syrovatkin A.I. - the Master of Sports, the three-time champion of Kazakhstan, the owner of a cup of Kazakhstan and Russia on taecvon-do ITF.
The partnership with the enterprises of EFEC is conducted not only in educational, but also in the scientific sphere. At institute 90 regular the teacher which 55% have academic degrees: 3 academicians, 5 doctors of science, 44 candidates of science and 11 masters. Scientists of institute in common with specialists of the enterprises, with the assistance of students, are engaged in the solution of scientific and technical problems of the enterprises of EFEC, conduct search in the priority scientific directions in the construction industry, metallurgy, mining, power, ecology and environmental protection with application of energy saving technologies. More than 60 innovations of scientists and teachers of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev are offered for the forced industrial and innovative development the enterprise of the region. In recent years at the enterprises of the region scientists of institute have introduced more than 10 developments with the cumulative economic effect of 690 million t., 2 doctor's, 17 candidate, 11 master theses are protected. 50 monographs and manuals, 519 reports and articles, from them in foreign countries 25 (South Korea, Germany, Japan, etc.), the neighboring countries 36 are published. 20 patents for inventions are taken out. Five teachers of institute in various years have been marked out by the state grant "The best teacher of higher education institution" (Unaibayev B. Zh., Moldabayev S. K., Gorshkova L.V., Kabdualina G. K., B.'s Markets), three (Abylkasova Zh.B., Nurmaganbetova B.N, Tussupova G. of B.) presidential grant of "Bolashak".
On the international exhibition "EXPO-2017" scientists EETI named after academician K. Satpayev (professor Kombarov M.) have submitted the project of the wind turbine of a domestic production, (which is a winner of a competition of business projects of the countries of the world in Los Angeles 2011, the countries of Asia in Shanghai 2010, the semifinalist of a national competition of an innovation of ìF$50 To in Astana 2010) and the "Waste-free Technology of Processing and Utilization of Zoloshlakootkhod of Thermal Power Plant" project (the prof. Mikov A.G.), which is introduced on thermal power plant of Astana and Almaty.
The important place in activity of institute is allocated to the international cooperation, programs of the academic exchange, development of scientific communications. More than 100 students according to contracts on the academic mobility have mastered the educational credits in higher education institutions of the CIS and foreign countries. 4 teachers of our institute (Unaybayev B. Zh., Tursunov M. Zh., Kambarov Zh.K., Asylkhanov K.K.) with lectures have visited higher education institutions of the Russian Federation and 5 teachers from the Russian Federation and Germany have visited our institute with similar mission.
Current trends of development of world educational space put before EETI named after academician K. Satpayev a problem of further development and improvement of application of remote educational technologies according to innovations in the sphere of informatization and telecommunication. For the solution of these tasks the institute is equipped with modern computers. The information database functions within each structural division and allows to resolve quickly and flexibly production issues.
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev gives an special attention to monitoring of annual employment of graduates that allows to control onto compliance of strategic plans to real inquiry in labor market. Quality of training of experts is confirmed by the high level of employment of graduates. Employment of graduates of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev in a year of the termination of institute makes 90% of release. Now a third of experts at the enterprises of EFEC are graduates of our institute. So for example 75 experts of GRES-1 from 225, more than 500 experts on Bogatyr Komir LLP and more than 100 experts on EGRES-2 are graduates of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev.
Many graduates of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev have made successful career and today head the large enterprises, banks, hold important posts on civil service, are engaged in business in EFER, among them - R. T. Svambayev - the CEO of EGRES-1, S. K. Abeldinov-of the deputy of previous JSC EGRES-2, I.A. - Shvartskopf leading expert of Office of the Government of RK, Zh.A. Mardenov is the chief architect Ekibastuz, S. V. Zarapin is the technical director of BK LLP, E.H. Dautov is the leading engineer of UI JSC EAK, H. In Dychko. - deputy akim. The Pavlodar region, A.V. Zayakin there is a head of department of JSC Zamanbank, A.V. Saldin is the technical director of Promservice-Otan LLP, R. D. Rafikov is the director of common causes of EGRES-1, A.O. Abishov is the leading engineer of EGRES-2, S.Z. Dzhumanbayev is the chief of EGRES-1, A electroshop. I. Kuznetsov is the commercial director of Revers LLP, V. S. Musokhranov is the chief of Construction Department of the Euroasian power corporation, A.Yu Shirokikh. - leading software engineer of Prommashkomplekt LLP and many others.
Financial stability of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev grows every year that allows strengthening material and technical resources, to raise a salary, and also to use other forms of encouragement and financial support of collective and trained.
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev has strong material and laboratory base. Has the 5th educational cases with a total area of 11622 square meters, 35 specialized educational offices, 30 educational and 10 scientific laboratories equipped with the modern equipment, devices, TSO, 270 computers of new generation. The assembly hall (150 places), a conference room (200 places) and a number of lecture halls, are equipped with interactive boards, projectors, television. At the disposal of students library with fund more than 300 thousand copies scientific, educational, standard, reference and fiction, domestic and foreign periodicals, including 40 thousand editions in a state language. At institute the uniform automated information management system training Platonus versus 3.2, (AISUO), interuniversity electronic library, hall of electronic textbooks, a local network, the Internet, gyms with a total area more than 800 sq.m, dining room on 150 places, cafe on 50 places, a medical aid station, the hostel on 70 places and so forth functions. In structure of institute the technical college which is among dynamically developing colleges of area functions. After completion of study in college graduates have an opportunity to continue training at institute in the reduced educational programs of the highest vocational training.
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev constantly is engaged in development and modernization of own material and technical resources. In 2010 the new educational and laboratory case is put into operation. Projects of reconstruction and expansion of the areas of institute are developed. Additional construction of a sports complex and the hostel on 100 places is provided. Resources are material, library and information, used for the organization of process of training, are sufficient and conform to requirements of each realized educational program.
The chosen policy and priorities of development have allowed EETI named after academician K. Satpayev a certain place in EFER and with success to advance goals and problems of training of specialists, conforming to requirements of labor market.
Primary activity of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev reflects positive dynamics of growth of quantitative and quality indicators: optimization of number of students yields profitable financial results that qualitatively affects as indicators of increase in quality of personnel potential, improvements of educational and methodical and material resources, allows to pay worthy attention to research work and the international cooperation, and also allows to make investments in multilateral development of student's potential. All these indicators directly proportionally and positively affect training of specialists and strengthening of research work, expansion of activities, the effective organization of work of members of collective, optimization of number of the faculty and increase of its scientific degree, strengthening of material and technical resources that results in recognition of an institute brand in regional labor market and in civil society in general.
For the organization of educational process according to the European standards and high professionalism the teaching structure of institute is noted by the international award "The European quality" of Committee European Business of Assembly (Oxford, Great Britain, 2010). For a powerful contribution to development of modern society and high professional achievements the president of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev M.P. Mardenov is marked out by the international award "Intelligence of the nation", Moscow, 2010 the General rating given by Independent Kazakhstan Agency has shown that EETI named after academician K. Satpayev has entered in TOP-30 among higher education institutions of Kazakhstan on ensuring quality of education. In 2013 the institute has successfully passed the state certification and has prolonged action of the license for educational activity the next 5 years.
Achievements, awards and participation in public life of PTS and students
EETI named after academician K. Satpayev
2008 the Independent Kazakhstan agency on ensuring quality in education according to a general rating has appropriated EETI named after academician K. Satpayev the 11th place among technical colleges of Kazakhstan.
2010. The nomination committee European business of assembly (Oxford, Great Britain) has awarded EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev with the international award "The European quality".
2015 the General rating of higher education institutions of RK NAAR-2014 on educational programs of a bachelor degree demonstrates that EITI of the academician K. Satpayev has entered in TOP-30.
The president Mardenov Marat Pazylovich-is awarded by the international award of "Intellect of NATION " (Moscow, the CIS) for a powerful contribution intellectual development of modern society.
The state grant "The best teacher of higher education institution" in various years was got by 5 teachers of institute: Unaybayev B. Zh., Gorshkova L.V., Gabdullina G. K., Markets B. A., Moldabayev S. K.
Owners of the international grant of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" Abylkasova Zh.B., Nurmaganbetova B. N. (2012), Tussupova G. B. (2015)
Honored worker of science and education (decision of presidium PARADISE of 2010) Unaibayev B. Zh.
Diploma "Gold department of Russia", "Gold fund of domestic science" (decision of presidium of RAE-2010 of) Unaybayev B. Zh.
Vernadsky's medal (2010) for the giving-out achievements in domestic science (the decision of presidium PARADISE) Unaibayev B. Zh.
A. Nobel's medal (the decision of Presidium PARADISE of-2009 g) for a contribution to invention development, Unaibayev B. Zh.
Sh. M. Aytaliyeva(resheniye KGA, 2002 g.) Unaibayev B. Zh. medal.
Medal of Association of higher education institutions of RK of Ahmet Baytursynov Unaibayev B. B.
Medal "For Labour Valour" (1970) Muksinov M. B.
Signs "Miner's Glory" of three steps (1977 … 1984) Muksinov M. B.
Sign "Honourable Miner" (1991) Muksinov M. B.
Breastplate "Honourable educator MAUN RK (2014) Kambarov Zh.K.
Medal "For Labour Valour" Tursunov M. Zh.
Unaibayev B. Zh. - Dr.Sci.Tech., professor is:
- academician of the Russian Academy of Natural sciences; member of EMD MES RK member of Dissertation council of JSC Kampus KAZGASA; the chairman SAC on protection of master theses in PSU named after S. Toraygyrov; member of International (JSSHGE) and Kazakhstan geotechnical association; the invited professor Kuz STU of T.F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo the Russian Federation); the member of scientific and technical council at regional akimat of the Pavlodar region (RK); the member of council on protection of doctoral dissertations in ENU named after L. Gumilyov.
B. A. Bazarbaev - Dr.Sci.Tech., professor is: - the member of International (JSSHGE) and the Kazakhstan geotechnical association, it is awarded by a medal of the State committee of the Russian Federation on the higher education following the results of an open competition 1992 - 1993 among the CIS countries "For the best scientific management"; medal "For Merits in Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; rank and breastplate "The honourable builder of Kazakhstan"; a breastplate "For merits before KGIU"; G.W. Leibniz's (Germany) medal "For achievement in the field of science, arts, culture and social activity in the European society"; has certificates of honor of MES RK, MIIT RK, letter of thanks of the Karaganda regional committee of labor union of educators and sciences. The owner of a rank "Honorary scientist of Europe", appropriated, scientific council of the European scientific community of the International association of knights and Presidium of the European academy of natural sciences.
Unaibayev B. B. - Cand.Tech.Sci., the associate professor is: – adviser of the Russian Academy of Natural sciences, member of EMD MES RK for construction disciplines.
Utenov M. A. - д.т.н, professor, is a member of dissertation council at KAZNTU named after K. Satpayev.
Kambarov Zh.K. Cand.Tech.Sci., professor, the member of scientific and technical council at regional akimat of the Pavlodar region (RK); the chairman SAC on protection of master theses in PSU named after S. Toraygyrov;
Akhmetbayev D.S., the Dr.Sci.Tech., professor of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev , is the academician of the International Academy of arts and creativity (Moscow, the Russian Federation);
Dzhaksybayev S. I., Cand.Econ.Sci., professor, member correspondent MEiMR
Kombarov M. N., Cand.Tech.Sci., professor of EETI named after academician K. Satpayev is:
- the owner "A sign European business of assembly and a flag of investment appeal of "FlagofEurope" with obtaining the priority status of the participant of community (a city administration of Oxford, the United Kingdom, 12/15/2015);
- the member of Technical Council of the Ministry of Energy of RK, the cochairman of MNPK "Possible spheres of cooperation in power between the countries of Central Asia. Caucasus and countries of Asia (New Delhi, 1995); the project manager of the Government of RK according to the Program of development of the UN "Global Ecological Fund for wind power (1997-99);
- expert of AN of RK in power;
- chief specialist of Department of energy and industry, management of an action of renewable examination of the countries of Asia (2006).
Mikov A.G.- Cand.T.n., professor is a member of technical board of the joint stock company of "Astanaenergo", the technical adviser for building of skilled installation on the Astana CHPP-2 within the State program.
Shaymerdenov B. M., Cand.Tech.Sci., professor is, the corresponding member of MANEB, the honourable educator, the Honourable citizen of Ekibastuz, the honorary employee of the coal industry. It is awarded by medals:" For merits before the people", "For merits before area", a gos.nagrada of RK "Certificate of honour".
Syrovatkin A.I. - professor, the three-time champion of Kazakhstan (1997, 2000, 2003 of) on tayekvon-to ITF the Master of Sports, IV is given, a black belt.
Kanayeva T.A. it is awarded by diplomas and letters of thanks of the akim of the city of Ekibastuz and the Pavlodar region;
Ishchanova A.Sh. is awarded by the diploma of the akim of the city of Ekibastuz;
Kim E.E. - it is awarded by the diploma of the akim of the city of Ekibastuz.
Absimetov V. E. the Honourable builder of RK is awarded by the Certificate of honor of Presidium of the Supreme Council of KAZSSR, a rank;
Omashev O. O. is awarded the order "Honour Sign", medals of "100-year birthday of V. I. Lenin", "The veteran of work";
Ospanova Zh.N. it is awarded by the certificate of honor of MES RK.
The champion of Kazakhstan (2005 … 2007) the prize-winner of the World Cup and Asia on track and field athletics (2005) Azarova Tatyana is the student, the Master of Sports.
The champion of Kazakhstan (2006 … 2010 of) the silver prize-winner of Central Asia (2008), the champion of RK on track and field athletics (2008), Kozyrev Nikita is the student, the Master of Sports.
The champion of Kazakhstan (2006 … 2010g.g) is the repeated prize-winner of republican and international tournaments on track and field athletics (2008 … 2010) Horoshev Anton, the Master of Sports.
Champion of Asia (2012), champion of Kazakhstan (2009 … 2013) winner of the international tournaments on free-style wrestling (2013) student Popov Dmitry Master of Sports.
The three-time champion of Kazakhstan (2010 … 2013) the bronze prize-winner of the World Cup (2013) on tayekvon-to WTB-the student Serdaliyeva Zarina, the world class master of sports, II dan, a black belt.
The champion of Kazakhstan (2010 … 2013) the owner of an European cup (2012), the repeated winner of the international tournaments on judo (2011 … 2013) – the student Makhambetov Arman, the Master of Sports.
The repeated champion of Kazakhstan (2011 … 2013) the bronze prize-winner of the World Cup (2013), the repeated prize-winner of the International tournaments on acrobatics (2011 … 2013) the student Kireev Aslan, the Master of Sports.
The champion of Kazakhstan (2013) the world champion among youth on tayekvon-to WTB (2013) the student Bekturov Armand, the Master of Sports, III dan, a black belt.
The world champion of 2005, the champion of Asia of 2005, the champion of Kazakhstan 2005, the winner of the international tournaments on boxing Gottfried Dmitry.
World champion of 2007. Champion of Kazakhstan 2004 … 2006, winner of the international tournaments on boxing. Master of Sports Smagulov Azamat.