Rector of K.Satpaev EETI
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
____ ________B.Unaybaev
"_____" __________ 2011.
of the dual system of training of students in Ekibastuz engineering-technical institute named after academician K.Satpaev
Ekibastuz 2011
General Provisions
1.1 The Provision on the dual system of education of students in academician K. Satpayev EETI (hereinafter the Provision) is designed to implement the law "On Education" of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in accordance with the Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology (Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №152 dated April 20, 2011.) The Concept of academic mobility of students of higher educational institutions (approved by the Rectors' meeting of the expanded board of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2011.), State Programme for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011 ... 2020, providing for the introduction of the dual system of training, rules of international cooperation organization are carried out by educational organizations (the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan №661 dated December 27, 2007.) in the framework of the Bologna process.- The dual system of education is a parallel training in educational institutions and in the workplace. The education is based on the principle of the relationship between theory and practice.
- The benefits of dual technology of education:
- the combination of practical education in the enterprise with their studies at the Institute, students gain academic qualifications and practical experience.
- a qualified young generation of professionals joins the company, which already during their studies get acquainted with the production processes.
The institute wins intensive cooperation with enterprises and strengthens
practical part of the training, in a timely manner has access to innovative technologies and has the ability to upgrade laboratory facilities.
Students, businesses, the institute is recovered equally favor the introduction of the dual system of education.
1.4 Ekibastuz engineering-technical institute named after academician K.Satpaev introduced a dual system of education in all specialties, for full-time students under the reduced educational program, on the basis of technical and vocational education.
The purpose of training with the use of the dual system of education on the undergraduate program is to obtain an academic bachelor's degree, intelligently combining theoretical training with practice, taking into account changes in the professional world. Drawing curricula in accordance with scientifically grounded gives professionally oriented practical knowledge along with extensive fundamental education.
An enterprise receives a highly educated young professionals having narrowly focused professional skills. The Institute may find a niche in the educational market and use of basic business in a timely manner to upgrade laboratory facilities with the latest equipment.
1.5 Planning the content of education, the organization and conducting the educational process is carried out on the basis of credit technology the institute. At credit technology the amount of independent work performed by students – the work on a specific list of issues (including allocated for self-study), provided instructional literature and recommendations, in the form of controlled tests, reports and other is increased.
The Institute provides educational process in its entirety information sources: textbooks, tutorials, methodical aids and developments in various academic disciplines, instructions for independent work, electronic textbooks, and access to online educational resources. EETI is working closely with the base enterprise taking into account the requirements for the future experts in the course of training.
2. On the typical company in the dual system of training
Production needs the professionals with new consciousness owning new competences, perceiving reality is modern, capable to give a positive impulse of stability and balance to development of economy. First of all this task faces higher education which is directly focused on training of specialists in the field of creation and operation of the latest equipment and technologies.
The modern intensive processes proceeding in economy of Kazakhstan caused demand for experts of a new formation who have to realize these processes proceeding from this historical, economic and political situation. However, training in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the country is insufficiently focused on the solution of the arisen tasks. Big deficiency concerning technical competence of graduates is observed.
According to the government program of development of monotowns for 2012-2020 the akimat of Ekibastuz together with the city-forming enterprises of the city on the basis of EITI of the academician K. Satpayev provided further development of system of the higher education, decrease in unemployment rate among youth, developments of social and engineering infrastructure, creation of conditions for receiving by the working youth of the highest vocational training.
EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev the only HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION in the Ekibastuz fuel and energy region with the population of the city of 150 thousand people and the general population of the region – more than 300 thousand people. Main city-forming enterprises of Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex: Ekibastuz State District Power Station of-1 named after B. Nurzhanov, JSC EGRES-2 Station, of JSC Pavlodarenergo of ETETs Ekibastuz) LLP, AIK LLP (Ekibastuz), AZF EEK Kazchrome MNC (of Aksu), JSC Bogatyr Komir (Ekibastuz), East EEK coal mine Ekibastuz, Maykuben-Vest LLP coal mine, etc. on equipment by the "Western" equipment and technologies often advance programs of training of domestic HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. In the conditions of fierce competition, in a century of new technologies and goods which quickly replace each other, it is impossible to stake in the highest vocational training only on one academism. The graduate who is theoretically prepared and well focused in modern productions at the concrete enterprise, capable to solve industrial and innovative problems is necessary. I ripened need to reform training of specialists, their contents. Known experience of the solution of this problem consisted or in noncritical loan of the western education programs or in other extreme when already cancelled contents of training from socialism era were again entered. Both ways couldn't lead to desirable results. Remote form of education at training of specialists of a technical profile doesn't justify itself.
In a phase of search of the acceptable technologies of training in formation of the highest vocational training the dual form of education introduced in EITI of a name of the academician K. Satpayev is of special interest. The dual form in essence means parallel training in educational establishments and on production. In the programs which are trained in a dual form through special communication of theoretical training in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION and practical fixing of theoretical material at the enterprise necessary competence is reached.
The main objective, at a stage of introduction of the project, consisted in revealing what specialties represent the greatest demand in the region for the enterprises of Ekibastuzsky fuel and energy complex. Starting point for the corresponding assumptions was the economic situation in the country and is concrete in the Ekibastuzsky fuel and energy region. It is the industrial center of Kazakhstan in which the enterprises of power, coal-mining and railway branch, largest in the republic, work. Here 60% of all e/e made in Kazakhstan are developed. Coal mining makes 70 million tons per year. Daily Ekibastuz only to Russia is left by 50 echelons with coal. The car turnover makes more than 23 thousand cars a month. The region is power heart of Kazakhstan, the main production of coal and processing of raw materials on power-intensive technologies is made here, all Kazakhstan, and also the industrial Urals and the southeast of the European part of the Russian Federation is reproduced and supplied with electric energy and coal. Volumes of reconstruction and expansion only on EGRES-2 in 2013-2015 will be made by one billion two hundred million US dollars.
Market economic adaptation of the enterprises in the region will be successfully solved only when in enough there are educated "local" experts competent of area of power, coal and oil industry, transport and other branches well familiar with technologies of the concrete enterprise. These experts have to be able to offer optimum versions of the solution of production tasks from the point of view of expenses and benefits.
At introduction of dual form of education educational process on demanded specialties was organized according to the state educational standard and requirements of the forced industrial and innovative development of the enterprises of the region. Training is carried out by the principle of balance of the theory and practice, i.e. a half of school hours the student is trained at institute, and other half of school hours at the enterprise. Training duration for students with basic secondary technical education makes 3 years. Students of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION with basic secondary technical education is the already prepared audience for introduction of a dual form of a vocational education.
The most part of payment for training of the student is carried out by the employer (enterprise). Because of the limited monetary income of bulk of the population of the region payment for training of the expert plays an important role.
EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev is a highly skilled faculty which ostepenennost makes 50% of total number of regular teachers (8 doctors and 40 Candidates of Technical Sciences on mountain, power, construction and transport branch). EETI is ready to solve region problems, on condition of joint participation of the enterprises in formation of the competent expert. Such student of a problem of the enterprise learns not according to "books", and by direct participation in production. The knowledge of production is coordinated to the maintenance of a theoretical course.
Training programs of the German professional academies formed a basis for development of training programs for dual form of education. Thus distinctions between both systems and special requirements of GOSO of MON RK for each concrete specialty were considered. The contents of training programs were discussed, agreed with the employer (enterprise). Now by request of the employer of EETI carries out training on 14 specialties of a technical profile demanded in the region (miners, power engineering specialists, transport workers, builders, economists, etc.) . The list and volume of basic disciplines was defined according to GOSO and the standard program of specialty, the annex to the diploma of the expert of secondary technical professional education, with a prerekvizit and reduction for 25-30% of volume of the credits. When forming training programs wishes and proposals of the employer were considered. Disciplines were for choice coordinated with the employer (enterprises) and made more than 50% of total.
Training is conducted 3 years on 2 semester a year with division of a semester by the quarter principle. Duration of quarter - 8 weeks. Students are trained 3 days a week at institute (master a theoretical course), 2 days at the enterprise (consolidate the gained knowledge in practice), i.e. students spend 60% of school hours at institute, 40%-at the enterprise. On Saturdays independent work of students (SRSP) with performance of tasks in the presence of the consultant (the teacher or the specialist mentor from the enterprise) is carried out at institute, or at the enterprise.
Disciplines are completed by modular block and cyclic principle from calculation that each discipline accustoms in 7 weeks of training with delivery of a rubezhka on the last occupation in the 8th week and examinations on the 8th and 16th week. Quantity of the credits in a semester no more than 18.
The leading teacher of discipline (tyyuter) by means of an edvayzer at the beginning of academic year (semester) provides to each student cases of disciplines, the reference book - the guide, explains specifics of training in a dual form.
Managers of chairs prior to occupations sign the tripartite contracts "institute-enterprise-student" for the organization of educational process for a dual form where the schedule of educational process, (theoretical occupations in institute, a practical training, practical training at the enterprise), fixing of experts (engineers) of mentors from the enterprise for each specific student, conditions, terms and the sum of payment for training and so forth is reflected.
Educational documentation, theoretical, laboratory and practical training were formed taking into account that the acquired competences (disciplines) would be demanded by the employer and recognized as MAUN RK. Was guaranteed to these the condition of that qualification of the expert trained in EITI of Akkad. K. Satpayeva can be supported with the conventional state diploma.
We are firmly convinced that successful training of the professional expert of the technical direction is impossible without real production skills. In educational process the following innovations were introduced:
- contracts with city-forming predpryatiya on joint educational activity, creation of branches at leading enterprises of the city where students pass a practical training, educational and fact-finding, production are signed, technological and externship, gain practical skills and abilities, conduct research work;
- with participation of the employer educational programs of all specialties of institute are created;
- the opinion of the employer was considered by drawing up lists of elective disciplines and a choice of specializations;
- the employer directly participates in implementation of educational process in EETI (to lecturing, conducting practical, laboratory researches the skilled specialists of leading enterprises of the region having a rich know-how widely are attracted);
- skilled specialists of the enterprises take part in work SAC; GEK, exercising control of quality of vocational training of graduates, impart experience of a production activity;
- the employer allocates financial means for training in the working youth and development of material base of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION;
- students are in addition got working professions and professional experience in the course of training.
Experience of introduction showed the main advantages of dual form of education by drawing up with traditional which consist in the following:
- the dual form of training of specialists eliminates the main defect of traditional forms and methods of training – a gap between the theory and practice;
- in the mechanism of dual form of education impact on the identity of the expert, creation of new psychology of the worker is put;
- dual form of education motivates trained for knowledge acquisition and acquisition of skills in work since these acquisitions are directly connected with performance of functions at the enterprise (at the employer);
- interest of the employer (enterprise) in training of "the" worker;
- educational institution, working in close contact with the enterprise, considers the concrete requirements imposed by the employer to future expert already during training and therefore constantly improves quality of educational process.
Dual form of education is directed on support of young people who have no opportunity to study on the job. This system helps to get a worthy education, to guarantee employment, is directed on the help in adaptation, self-realization of younger generation, especially those who migrates from the village to the city. Training in a dual form gives to youth not only knowledge, but also ability to use them.
Advantages of dual form of education are obvious. The student in the course of training adapts at the enterprise. Receives the enterprises after completion of training the skilled qualified specialist.
Employment of graduates of EETI makes 90-95% of release. Now a third of experts at the enterprises of Ekibastuzsky fuel and energy complex are graduates of EETI. So for example, from 225 experts of EGRES-1 75-this the former students EETI. This testifies to high quality of training in a dual form. Increase of demand for experts who have for themselves study, close to practice, in higher education institution is objectively caused.
Thus, in EETI interests of the state from the point of view of the forced industrial and innovative development of the region and interests of solid business which doesn't want to save on training for the production met. The problem is staticized by presence of the foreign firms advanced in the technical and technological plan in the region.
The effect from introduction of the project is obvious. It is about absolutely new methods of training in the sphere of higher education. In EITI of the academician K. Satpayev it is shown that the dual model of the highest vocational technical education is actual and viable and can promote industrial innovatively development of the region. Command of time caused introduction of dual form of education.
To use any chance for improvement of quality of training - our task.