Ekibastuz engineering and technical institute named after the academician K.I.Satpaev MES RK |
QMS DP 8.08-2014 Changes No. ________ Date _________________ |
QMS DP 8.08-2014
Ekibastuz engineering and technical institute named after the academician K.I.Satpaev MES RK |
QMS DP 8.08-2014 Changes No. ________ Date ________________ |
1 It is DEVELOPED by the working group of EETInamed after the academician K. Satpayev
2 it is APPROVED and BROUGHT by the order of the rector of EETInamed after the academician K. Satpayev from "____" ________ 2014 No. _____
4 DEVELOPERS: Tursunov M. Zh., Kadyrbekova K.K.
5 IT IS COORDINATED WITH UMC OF EETI named after the academician K. Satpayev
The rector of EITI of the academician K. Satpayev
____________ Unaybayev B. Zh.
"________" ___________ 201 _г.
General provision on examinations and offsets
Examinations and offsets are the main forms of control of educational process of students.
At examination work of students during a semester is estimated: integrity of system of the knowledge, depth and durability of assimilation received theoretical knowledge development of creative thinking, skills of independent work, ability to apply the gained knowledge to the solution of practical tasks.
Offset serves as a form of check of successful performance by students laboratory and is settlement – graphic works, assimilation of a training material on practical and the seminar occupations.
Students are obliged to pass all tests and examinations according to the curriculum approved by an academic council of institute.
1 Form of carrying out offset
1.1 Work of students during a semester in the presence of the current control of knowledge, as a rule, has to come to the end with receiving offset automatically – without special total control. At insufficient flowing control offset it can be carried out in shape; interviews, written work, testing.
Receiving offset by results of preparation of the paper, development of the computer program, performance scientifically – research work, and also examinations provided by the curriculum at internally – correspondence forms of education is possible.
1.2 The form of carrying out offset on discipline is established by the head of the department.
1.3 Questions, tasks, tests, tasks to calculation are formed the teacher giving lectures on discipline or conducting practical and laboratory researches.
1.4 Offset in the form of interview:
- it is carried out by the teacher giving lectures or conducting practical and laboratory researches;
1.5 Offset in the form of written work:
• It is written under supervision of the teacher conducting practical and laboratory researches;
• Duration of written work shouldn't exceed 1 class period:
• Check of written work is carried out by the teacher conducting practical and laboratory researches, giving lectures or the teacher appointed the head of the department;
written work has to be checked, as a rule, not later than in 24 hours after her termination, at the end of written work is dated checks and the signature of the teacher checking work.
1.6 Testing:
• It is carried out under supervision of the teacher conducting practical and laboratory researches:
• Duration of testing shouldn't exceed 1 class period;
• Check of results of testing is carried out by the teacher conducting practical and laboratory researches; - tasks on testing have to be checked, as a rule, not later than in 24 hours after his termination, at the end of a task to be dated checks and the signature of the teacher checking work;
- carrying out testing for the COMPUTER is allowed
1.7 Paper:
• Represents with itself in-depth independent study or the analysis on one of problems of a training material with use of the main and additional literature;
• It is carried out in writing and is given on check to the teacher prior to the beginning of examinations;
• It is protected in the form of oral with the subsequent discussion in group.
1.8 The computer program includes:
The description of a task and the used algorithm;
Test programs in the chosen programming language;
Examples of the solution of a task with several various basic data and check of the received results;
Protection of the program is carried out in the form of interview.
1.9 Scientifically – research work:
It is carried out during a semester
- it is represented to the teacher not later than a week prior to the beginning of examinations;
- it is protected in the form of interview or the oral report in group.
1.10 Offsets are carried out upon termination of a lecture course prior to the beginning of examinations
1.11 written works, results of testing have to be stored by the teacher before the appeal expiration; papers, computer programs, scientifically – research works by results of which tests have been passed, - not less than one month.
1. Examination can be carried out in shape: interviews (oral examination). Written work, testing.
2 The form of carrying out examination is established by the head of the department, is approved as the dean of faculty and is specified in the working plan for discipline.
3 Examination cards, tasks, tasks, tests, are formed the teacher giving lectures on discipline and are approved as the head of the department.
4 Exam is held by persons to whom lecturing is authorized. As a rule, it is the senior teachers, associate professors, professors.
5 At examination students can use the program of discipline, and also, with the permission of the examiner, technical means for performance of settlement graphic tasks, reference books, posters, schemes, etc.
6 Interview (oral examination):
- it is carried out by one or two teachers;
7 Written work:
Shouldn't exceed 3 class periods;
It is written under supervision of the teacher – the examiner or the assistant conducting practical, laboratory researches;
• Check of work is carried out by the teacher – the examiner (see item 2.4.);
• Work has to be checked not later than in 24 hours after completion of examination, at the end of work is dated checks and the signature of the teacher.
8 Testing:
• Has to include questions and tasks from different subjects and discipline;
• It is forbidden to use the closed tests (with the choice of ready versions of answers);
• Time of testing shouldn't exceed 2 class periods;
• It is carried out under supervision of the rector or assistant conducting practical and laboratory researches on this discipline;
check of results of testing is carried out by the teacher – the examiner
results of testing have to be declared not later than in 24 hours after his termination, at the end of work date of check and the signature of the teacher are put down;
Testing with use of the COMPUTER is allowed.
9 Sheets of preparation for oral examination, written works and results of testing have to be stored by the teacher before the appeal expiration.
3 Assessment of results of tests and examinations
The main for an assessment of knowledge of the student serves the level of digestion of the material provided by the state educational standard, standard and working programs of discipline.
3.1 Results of passing a test are estimated by a mark "is reckoned" or "it isn't reckoned" ("unsatisfactory"). Offset with an assessment is forbidden.
3.2 At an assessment of results of examination it is necessary to be guided by the following recommendations:
- the assessment is "perfectly" deserved by the student who has shown comprehensive profound knowledge of the material provided by the program ability freely to perform tasks; faultlessly I answered not only questions of the ticket, but also additional questions; I have acquired the main and I have got acquainted with the additional literature recommended according to the program of the corresponding discipline; I have shown creative abilities and I have acquired interrelation of discipline with the acquired profession;
- the assessment is "well" deserved by the student who has shown full knowledge of material, has answered all questions of the ticket, has successfully performed the tasks provided by the training program, has acquired the main literature on discipline, has shown abilities to independent replenishment and updating of knowledge during further study and professional activity;
- the mark is "unsatisfactorily" put down to the student who hasn't acquired the main material provided by the program, has made basic mistakes in performance of tasks, hasn't reached the level of knowledge necessary for continuation of training or for performance of professional activity on the termination of higher education institution without additional classes on the corresponding discipline
The mark is "unsatisfactorily" put down also if the student: after the beginning of examination I have refused to hand over him; I have violated rules of passing an examination (I wrote off, I prompted, deception I tried to be highly appreciated more, etc.).
3.3 In the academic record or the direction one has to be made тз the following records: "is reckoned"; "it isn't reckoned" the signature of the teacher ("is unsatisfactory").
3.4 Content of entry in the record book is specified in item 3.3. The examination assessment registers only in cursive script: "perfectly", "well" or "well". A mark "well" in the record book isn't given.
3.5 The result of passing a test or examination is entered in the record book, the sheet or the direction only by the teacher holding offset or exam which bears responsibility for clearness and accuracy of record. To students it is strictly forbidden to fill in books, sheets and the directions.
4 Passing a test procedure
4.1 At an appearance on offset the student is obliged to have at himself the record book. The surname of the student has to appear in the academic record.
4.2pri the student has to show to a repeating an examination of offset or delivery for restoration the direction signed by the dean or his deputy.
4.3 The academic record and the direction are given the teacher to the laboratory assistant of department.
The laboratory assistant registers results of passing a test in the magazine and transfers the sheet or the direction to dean's office prior to session.
4.4 The offset repeating an examination to the same teacher is allowed no more than two times. For the third time the repeating an examination of offset is carried out only in the form of written work. For a result assessment the commission as a part of the teacher who was earlier accepting offset is appointed the head of the department. and two other teachers of department.
At discussion of written work by the commission presence of the dean is allowed.
5 Passing an examination procedure
5.1 The students who have passed everything tests and, the term papers, academic year projects, tasks provided by the curriculum in the current semester are allowed to examinations.
The admission is confirmed by the visa of the dean of faculty or its deputy and a stamp in the record book. In the presence of good reasons, in exceptional cases, the dean of faculty has the right to resolve an issue of the admission to examinations of the students who haven't passed tests in established periods.
The students who have passed everything tests after established periods are allowed to examinations and take examinations according to the general schedule.
5.2 The schedule of examinations is formed the dean and is approved as the vice rector for study not later than a month prior to session. On preparation for each examination not less than three days are allotted.
5.3 To the students who are well advanced at all objects, the dean of faculty has the right to allow early examination during a semester (provided that the student has performed all tasks, laboratory, is settlement – the graphic and term papers, academic year projects provided by the program for this discipline) at the same time the student shouldn't be exempted from the current classes in other disciplines.
5.4 At an appearance on examination the student is obliged to show the record book. The surname of the student has to appear on the examination sheet.
5.5 At a repeating an examination for restoration the student has to receive the direction signed by the dean or his deputy.
5.6 After exposure of estimates the examination sheet and the directions are given to the laboratory assistant of department.
The laboratory assistant after registration of examination in the magazine transfers them to dean's office next day after carrying out examination.
5.7 If during examination there was a violation of the rules (deception), it has been revealed by t after the announcement of results of examinations, the head of the department has the right to reconsider results of examination and to declare him not handed over.
5.8 The repeating an examination is made after all examinations established by the schedule in the days of a repeating an examination appointed and approved by the dean of faculty or its deputy. The repeating an examination to the same teacher is allowed no more than two times. The third repeating an examination is carried out only in writing. For an assessment of result the commission as a part of the teacher holding exam, the head of the department and the teacher giving lectures on this or related discipline is appointed.
5.9 Re-examination for increase of a positive assessment is allowed by the vice rector for study for representation of the dean of faculty, in exceptional cases.
6 Appeal of results of passing a test and examination
The student has the right in day of the announcement of results passing a test or examination to address the dean of faculty or the vice rector for study with the written statement about disagreement with an assessment.
The dean or the vice rector for study appoint the appeal commission.
The chairman of the appeal commission is the dean of faculty, the head of the department, the teacher holding exam or offset and the teacher giving lectures on this or related discipline have to be her part.
The appeal commission has to consider the application of the student within three days.
The commission has no right to give a mark below, than she has been put by the teacher.
The assessment of the appeal commission is final and aren't subject to revision.
7 Presence at examination and offset of other persons
At examination and offset there can be a rector, the vice rector for study, the dean of faculty, the head of the department on whom the discipline is studied. They have to warn the teacher about the visit of examination or offset and explain the presence reason at examination or offset. Presence at examination and offset of other persons, without the permission of the rector, the vice rector for study or the dean of faculty, or without consent of the teacher isn't allowed.
Specified persons have no right in the presence of students to express the opinion on an assessment of answers the teacher holding exam or offset.
Ekibastuz engineering and technical institute named after the academician K.I.Satpaev MES RK |
QMS DP 8.08-2014 Changes No. ________ Date ________________ |
Приложение А
Лист согласования
Должность |
Ф.И.О. |
Дата |
Подпись |
Екибастузский инженерно -технический институт им. академика К. Сатпаева МОН РК |
СМК ДП 8.08-2014 Изменения №________ Дата_________________ |
Приложение Б
Лист согласования
Должность |
Ф.И.О. |
Дата |
Подпись |
Екибастузский инженерно -технический институт им. академика К. Сатпаева МОН РК |
СМК ДП 8.08-2014 Изменения №________ Дата_________________ |
Приложение В
Лист регистрации изменений
номера листов |
№ изве щения на осно вании которого внесено изменение |
ФИО лица, внес шего изме нение |
подпись лица, внес шего изме нение |
дата внесе нияизме нения |
изме не ных |
заме неных |
новых |
анну лиро ванных |
1 |
2 |
3 |
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