The Mission of the Department: training of competitive specialists capable of solving the urgent problems in the field of power, heat power engineering and metallurgy.
Objectives: to provide quality higher education in the areas of "Power engineering", "Heat power systems", "Metallurgy" and preparing graduates for life and work in modern conditions of social development.
• ensuring the quality of educational services and cultivation of intellectual inquisitiveness, lifelong learning, the search for excellence, development of human potential, skills and education of corporate spirit;
• gradual transition to a three-level system of training of highly qualified personnel, based on accumulating credit technology of education;
• strengthening motivation of students to receive quality education services through the democratization of the educational process;
• improvement of technology of the educational process, its focus on the realization of the interests of students and employers;
• development and implementation of mechanisms determining the responsibility of the faculty and the institute leadership for the delivery of quality educational services;
• the use and development of innovative methods of teaching and international cooperation in the field of the institute education and science;
• Improvement of the material-technical, library and information resources of the institute;
• creation of conditions for personal development and education of students.
History of the department:
The department of "Electric Power Industry and Metallurgy» originates from the foundation of the institute in 1994. Initially, the department trained personnel in specialties 5B071800 - "Power Engineering", 5B071700 - "Thermal Power Engineering" to meet the needs of the engineering staff of the Pavlodar-Ekibastuz fuel and energy region. To train highly qualified graduates some qualified lecturers from Almaty, Karaganda, Pavlodar were invited to the chair. At the same time the logistical equipment of the department was strengthened on basic and core subjects. Since 2004 the department began training bachelors in specialty 5B070200 - "Automation and Control" in accordance with the requirements of modern production. Since 2006 the department began to prepare bachelors in specialty 5B071900 "Metallurgy".
Today the Department produce bachelors in the following specialties:
5B071800 - "Power Engineering"
5B071700 - "Thermal Power Engineering"
5B070900 - "Metallurgy".