Dychko Nikolay Vasilyevich – a graduate of EETI of 1999, Akim's deputy of the Pavlodar region concerning the industry and regional government of industrial and innovative development.
Svambayev Ryskan Tishpekovich – a graduate of EETI of 1998, the CEO of Ekibastuz GRES-1 LLP
Rafikov Ravil Dzhannyatkhanovich – the graduate of EITI of 1998, the director of the general questions of Ekibastuz GRES-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanova LLP.
Dzhumanbaev Sayat Zeynekeshovich - EETI graduate of 2003, the chief of the electrical department of LLP "Ekibastuz GRES-1 named after Bulat Nurzhanov".
Butyrsky Mikhail Sergeyevich – the graduate of EITI of 2004, the chief of fuel feeding of Ekibastuz GRES-1 named after Bulata Nurzhanova LLP.
Abeldinov Serikbay Kairgeldinovich – the graduate of EETI of 2005, the deputy chairman of the board of JSC Station Ekibastuz GRES-2.
Bazarbayev Dastan Dyusenovich - the graduate of EITI of 2001, the chief engineer of the project of KaragandaBIEnergyPlus LLP.
Bulumbayev Bulat Mikhaylovich - the graduate of EETI of 2005, the chief engineer of JSC Station Ekibastuz GRES-2.
Bulumbayev Nurzhan Tokhtamysovich - the graduate of EETI of 2004, the head of the department of housing and communal services Aksu
Zhaliyev Ruslan - the graduate of EETI of 2005, the leading engineer of JSC Station Ekibastuzskaya GRES-2.
Stamikova Elena Lvovna - the graduate of EETI of 2011, the undergraduate of TPU Tomsk.
Ryabikov Valery Evgenyevich - the graduate of EETI of 2007, the metallurgical engineer, the director of AIK LLP Ekibastuz.
Arsyutin Nikolay Gennadevich - the graduate of EETI of 2014, the director of KSPSteel LLP of the Pavlodar branch No. 2, the chairman of the board of industrialists and businessmen of Ekibastuz.
Khokhlov Igor Vladimirovich - the graduate of EETI of 2011, the safety engineer "Aluminium of Kazakhstan" Pavlodar.
Sydykov Zhanat Talgatovich - the graduate of EETI of 2013, the director of ferroalloy production of KSPSteel LLP Pavlodar.
Aytkazinov Seyfulla Kabidenovich - the graduate of EITI of 2009, the chief of the 2nd AIK LLP shop Ekibastuz.
Boyarkina Diana Igorevna - the graduate of EETI of 2012, the undergraduate МИСиС Moscow.
Madeniyev Adiel Nurzhanovich - the graduate of EETI of 2014, the founder of KSPSteel LLP Pavlodar.
Nurmagambetov Shayzada Hayrollovich-graduate of EETI of 2011, foreman of the shop of AIK LLP Ekibastuz.
Sytnik Aleksandra Viktorovna - the graduate of EETI of 2011, the engineer of technical department of AIK LLP Ekibastuz.
Abdrakhmanov Nurmukhamed Toleukhanovich - the graduate of EETI of 2011, the technologist of FIK "Alel".
Graduates of "Construction" department of EETI named after academician K. I. Satpayev
Abeldinov Serikbai Kairgeldinovich – EETI graduate of 2005, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Ekibastuz GRES-2."
Bulumbaev M. Bulat – EETI graduate of 2005, the chief engineer of JSC "Ekibastuz GRES-2."
Zhaliyev Ruslan – EETI graduate of 2005, the leading engineer of JSC "Ekibastuz GRES-2."
Bazarbaev Dastan Dyusenuly – EETI graduate of 2001, the chief engineer of the project LLP «KaragandaBIEnergyPlus».
Bulumbaev Nurjan Tohtamysovich – EETI graduate of 2004, Head of the Department of Housing Aksu.
Stamikova Elena L. – EETI graduate of 2011, undergraduate TPU Tomsk.
Ryabikov Valery E. – EETI graduate of 2007, metallurgist engineer, director of "AiK" Ekibastuz.
Arsyutin Nicholas G. - EETI graduate of 2014, the director of LLP «KSPSteel» Pavlodar branch №2, chairman of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Ekibastuz.
Sydykov Janat Talgatovich - EETI graduate of 2013, the director of ferroalloy production LLP «KSPSteel» Pavlodar.
Igor Khokhlov – EETI graduate of 2011, TB "Aluminium of Kazakhstan" Engineer of Pavlodar.
Aytkazinov Seyfulla Kabidenovich – EETI graduate of 2009, head of the 2nd department of LLP "AiK" Ekibastuz.
Sitnik Aleksandr V. – EETI graduate of 2011, the engineer of the technical department of LLP "AiK" Ekibastuz.
Boyarkina Diana I. – EETI graduate of 2012, undergraduate MISA Moscow.
Maden Adil Nurzhanovich – EETI graduate of 2014, founder of LLP «KSPSteel» Pavlodar.
Nurmagambetov Shaizada Hayrollovich- EETI graduate of 2011, the shop foreman of LLP "AiK" Ekibastuz.
Abdrakhmanov Nurmukhamed Toleuhanovich – EETI graduate of 2011, technologist FIC «Alel».
Graduates of "Automation and Information Systems" department of EETI named after academician K. I. Satpayev
Karimov Kisamedin – the chief specialist of department of IT BTA Bank
Zamyatin Alexander is the Director of a computer firm Yunikod center
Lepyokhin Yury Vasilyevich is the Director of a computer Revers center
Kabanasyrov Nurlan Sarybayevich is the Chief specialist Kaztelekom (Megaline)
Dosumov Zhaslan is the chief manager of VTs BAK LLP.
Wide Alexey Yuryevich is the leading programmer of Aliot-service LLP
Zozulya Elena Sergeyevna is EETI leading programmer
Graduates of the specialty "Vocational training" successfully self-realized in professional activity. Among our graduates:
Esimkhanov Batyrbek Zhabaevich- director Bozschekolskoy school complex;
Zaliznyak Tatiana Nikolaevna - teacher of the first category №21 secondary school, teacher of the School of Technical Creativity;
Jumanazarov Atymtay Kapashevich - the teacher of the first category of secondary school №18, teacher of the School of Technical Creativity;
Kolocheva Julia Sergeevna- manager of LLP "Raster";
Kydyrbekova Ayala Zhumageldievna- master of industrial training, teacher of technical disciplines at Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute;
Lykov Maria Alisherovna- teacher of the first category of secondary school №23
Mel’nik Vera V. - a teacher of the highest category of the regional specialized school for gifted children №1 g Ekibastuz;
Syrymov Kayrzhan Kayrtasovich - the highest category school teacher of lyseum №6, teacher of technical creativity of the School, its students numerous winners technical creativity contests;
Tsoi Vladimir Alekseevich- school teacher of first category of lyceum №6, teacher of the School of Technical Creativity;
Shakarov Arman Nurlanovich -menedzher LLP «Ceragem»;
Shagieva (Mukhametzhanova) Samal Erkenovna - Methodist Center for training and retraining;
Graduates of Mining department of EETI named after academician K. I. Satpayev
Sherstyuk Nikolay Nikolaevich
Makhrayev Niyaz Kudaybergenovich
Musin Batyrbek Bazarbayevich
Shakhrayuk Victor Stepanovich
Syzdykov Auyelbek Hasenovich
Filipenko Sergey Nikolaevich
Kuletsky Valery Nikolaevich
Sattarov Serik Zukenovich
Dautov Eldar Hamirovich
Lukin Vladimir Nikolaevich
Klyshbekov Rustem Ziyadayevich
Mirakhmedov Alizhan Naimovich
Gartman Alexander Aleksandrovich
Graduates of the department of Economics and Management of EETI named after academician K. I. Satpayev
Nemich Olga – EETI graduate of 2008, leading engineer TRAINING LLP "Bogatyr Coal"
Mozulyak Natalia A. – EETI graduate of 2015, chief economist of logistics at GRES-1
Nurgaliyev Talgat – EETI graduate of 2004, the chief dispatcher ATS service
Esengarayeva Zhannet is the commercial director of Astana-center LLP
Borzenitsa Marina – the chief accountant of Zhumys ui LLP
Bogomyakova Natalya Mikhaelovna is the head of department of work and a salary of Bogatyr coal mine
Diba Victor Dmitriyevich is the chief technical specialist on work of MNU LLP
Zayakina Anna Vasilyevna is the head of the analytical department of JSC Zaman Bank
Mynbayeva Guldana is the chief of a planning department of Maykuben Vest LLP
Belyanina Nadezhda Vladimirovna is the chief accountant of SE "Quick and Saving Group"
Bikanova Gulzhan Baurzhanovna is the branch director EEF Shift LLP.