Unaibayev Bulat Zharylgapovich
After the graduation from KARSTU (before KPTI) in 1974, he worked at a building site as a master, foreman, chief engineer. In 1982Bulat Zharylgapovich entered the full-time postgraduate study of Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute (nowadays MGSU), where under the leadership of the corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Hero of Socialist Labor Tsytovich N. A. defended the dissertation for academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2007 he made the degree of Doctor of technical sciences on two specialties: "Technology and organization of construction", "Bases and foundations, underground structures".
Unaibayev B. Zh. is a specialist on construction in difficult soil conditions. He published 400 printed works, including 7 monographs, 17 textbooks, 43 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, 4 normative documents (Construction standards and Regulations, SP, PSN) and 3 practical recommendations. He prepared two candidates and 10 masters of technical sciences. The chairman of the board on defending of master dissertations in PSU named after S. Toraygyrov. A Member of international (JSSMGE) and Kazakh geotechnical association. Corresponding member of RAE. The participant of international conferences and symposiums on foundation engineering in Japan, South Korea, India, Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc. The Owner of the state grant "The best teacher of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION". He was awarded by a medal of the academician Sh.M.Aytaliyev, the certificate of honor of Akim of Ekibastuz. Rector of EETI, Professor.
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